i spent a long time trying to fix this probably somthing stupid but please help me.
i dont see any problem but its probably somthing stupid.

it compiles ok and when i run it it works until i get to the equations it prints somthing like
1.62111e-307 here is my code i dont know why but it posted when i pressed the space bar.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()

          system("COLOR 5");
          system("TITLE tempature converter");
          double firstNumber, answer;
          char f, c, k, operation, repeat, form;
          char *tempatures;

          cout <<"\n\n\n\t \t \t \tINSTRUCTIONS \n \n First enter the number you will start with, then the form the number is in \n and lastly the form you want to convert to. \n \n c = celsius \n k = kalvin \n f = fahrenheit";

          cout <<"\n \n \n \n Enter the number you will start with: ";
          cin >> firstNumber;
          cout <<"\n Enter the form of the number you have (c/f/k): ";
          cin >> form;
          cout <<"\n Now enter c, f, or k for what you want to convert to: ";  
          cin >> operation;
                  if (form == 'f') {
                       if (operation == 'c'){
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == ((firstNumber - 32) * 5 / 9);
                          cout << answer;
                       if (operation == 'k'){           
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == ((firstNumber - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15);
                          cout << answer;
                       if (operation == 'f'){                                 
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == firstNumber;
                          cout << answer;
                  if (form == 'c') {
                       if (operation == 'c'){
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == firstNumber;
                          cout << answer;
                       if (operation == 'f'){
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == (firstNumber * 9 / 5 + 32);
                          cout << answer;
                       if (operation == 'k'){
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == (firstNumber + 273.15);
                          cout << answer;
                  if (form == 'k') {
                       if (operation == 'k'){
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == firstNumber;
                          cout << answer;
                       if (operation == 'c'){
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer == (firstNumber - 273.15);
                          cout << answer;
                       if (operation == 'f'){
                          cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
                          answer ==((firstNumber - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32); //k - f
                          cout << answer;
                  if (!c,f,k)   
                  cout <<"\n that wasn't c, f or k";
            ofstream tempature(tempatures, ios::app);
            tempature << form << operation << answer;

          cout <<"\n \n \n \t Do you want to convert another number (y,n): ";
          cin >> repeat;
          if (repeat == 'y'){
          while (repeat == 'y');

ps: i probably have some usless headers in there because of other stuff i was doing that didnt work.:)

Let's see. In order to help you fix your code, you actually need to post your code.

sorry i didnt mean to post it just did when i pressed space bar idk why

Hopefully you saw warnings such as this:

main.cpp: In function `int main()':
main.cpp:38: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:43: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:48: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:55: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:60: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:65: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:72: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:77: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:82: warning: statement has no effect
main.cpp:86: warning: left-hand operand of comma has no effect
main.cpp:86: warning: right-hand operand of comma has no effect

If not, you may want to up the warning level in your compiler.

Here you do a comparison, not an assignment to answer:

answer == ((firstNumber - 32) * 5 / 9);

An assignment would be:

answer = ((firstNumber - 32) * 5 / 9);

And here

if (!c,f,k)

The comma usage probably is not what you mean to write.

[edit]And for the newlines left over after your character input, see this.

thanks for the help i just started c++ like a few days ago but what do you mean by newlines

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