Hello everyone! I have to build a project developed a few years ago with Visual C++ 1.52c, in Visual C++ 2008 but I have a lot of fatal errors(fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdiostr.h': No such file or directory) for the old header files(stdiostr.h, graph.h, bios.h,strstrea.h). It's any posibility that Visual C++ 2008 recognize the old headers? Or there are equivalent new headers instead of the old ones? It's urgent pls help me...Thanks

>> It's any posibility that Visual C++ 2008 recognize the old headers?

>> Or there are equivalent new headers instead of the old ones?
Nope. But from what I saw on the net you can replace strstrea.h with <iostream> and <fstream>. Probably won't be a neat replacement, but M$ says strstrea.h is old-style streams. As for the others, you can't use any of them with modern 32-bit compilers, Microsoft or any one else's because they were intended for 16-bit MS-DOS operating system.

Sounds like you will do a lot of rewriting.

So it's no possibility to build a 16 bit application for Free Dos under later compilers? because i need the application to work under Free Dos...:( It's any possibility to convert the application to work under Free Dos 16 bit?

hm.. why free dos? there is hm... what was name....... linux?

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