Netbeans IDE
Eclipse IDE
IntelliJ IDEA

Which from the above the the BEST, USER FRIENDLY, COMPLETE IDE to use to design/create GUI for Java based programs. Please advise. Thanks.

Netbeans IDE
Eclipse IDE
IntelliJ IDEA

Which from the above the the BEST, USER FRIENDLY, COMPLETE IDE to use to design/create GUI for Java based programs. Please advise. Thanks.

That is matter of personal opinion and everybody has his own. I will put these IDEs in order I like them

  1. IntelliJ IDEA
  2. NetBeans
  3. Eclipse

i used to use netbeans, it was pretty easy, but there were a few things it wouldn't do, but it was very project specific

(now i write my GUI by hand coding)

Thanks for all your advises.

I'm using eclipse for all my development in Java. But AFAIK vanilla eclipse doesn't have any good support for GUI making. Were I work we use a really good plugin for eclipse called WindowBuilder (made by Instantiations), wich makes eclipse a viable choice. It's a commercial plugin, costs about $200. The really good thing about that plugin is that it generates code that is readable, and it understands your code. So you can use it to draw up your GUI, co back into code and make a few changes by hand and then back into drawing mode and all your handcoded changes is visible :)

Now, this might sound like advertisment, but I assure you I have no affiliation with Instantiations. Just my two cents about eclipse being viable as a GUI tool :)

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