can u guyz help me on how to make a program that's able to read chm file?

i got this idea when i want to convert an entire chm file to pdf. i kno theres awready a software on that. but i reckon it would b interesting if we can make on of our own....

wouldnt u agree?

-- be OPEN --

You can use wxPython to display chm files in a native help window.

Ya? can u help how to do it? Im still new to python...

I simply created a Help menu option and bound this function to it.
My chm file and all related pages were zipped up, which is why I need the ZipFS Handler, but you can do without.

def OnHelp(self, event=None):
    import wx.html
    wx.FileSystem_AddHandler(wx.ZipFSHandler()) = wx.html.HtmlHelpController( style = wx.html.HF_TOOLBAR |\
        wx.html.HF_CONTENTS | wx.html.HF_SEARCH | wx.html.HF_PRINT), '')):'Index.htm')
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