I've searched all contents of Daiweb and found similar topics but not exactly good on me.

I'm trying to build a activex DLL without any form. This DLL will be used by others as a function library about a specific purpose for "color matching".

I wish to declare an array with preloaded values in module declaration section.

I know only one way to declare an array:

Public A10Wx
A10Wx = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6)

But this way works only in a function. This means that, the array will be active only when function run. My aim is to put values into array at startup.

Thanks in advance for the repliers.


I think no way. VB6 Doesnot provide a way to initialize array (as in other languages)


Try with public array() as something
and later redim array(1d, 2d, 3d, ..., nd)
and then fill it up.

Hope these will help.

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