Due to some changes in my company's structure, I need to transform our catalog of products in a xml file.

I need to know how can I do this provided that nobody has a technical background in the team.

what kind of format are/is the file(s) you want to transform to xml ?

Excel sheets.

Thanks for helping me.

Excel 2003 has various ways to export XML. For example : Save As -> XML Spreadsheet. But you obtain a ridiculous file with much more info that you might want (formatting info, etc.).

The other way to do it is to write an xml schema and load that into the spreadsheet.

If you don't know how to do it, you might use a free soft that can do it automatically better than excel.

Like what for example ?

Well, you can do it with this tool : Talend Open Studio.

It is capable of doing many more things than what you're trying to do since it is a comprehensive data integration software, but as a matter of fact it can perform the operation you're describing.

Besides it is open source therefore no strings attached.

I gave TOS a try, and it is a very user-friendly tool, which is indeed capable of doing many more things than what I tried to do.

I managed to transform my files, and I may soon create another post (if I need help) since I plan on using this soft for other purpose, thanks a lot.

I'm glad I could help you.

And of course don't hesitate if you have any other question.

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