I want to learn Java web development. What should I study first?

JSP, servlets, and JDBC?

Or should I jump right into learning to use environments like Struts, JSF, Spring, Hibernate? Which of these would you recommend, if so?

(I'm from an ASP.NET/C# background, but I want to start learning Java web development. I'm mostly interested in back end development.)

yes JSP and servlets u must read and jdbc is for database connection, JSp for front end and servelts for responding to the requests.Structs is a framework which makes easy i dont have idea about Hibernet which is in boom today so check abt dat..

if it's web development you 're looking for:
if you don't understand jsp/jsp and servlets, don't begin with struts or ejb (since they use, gues what?? indeed, jsp and servlets :) )

a good place to start with Java would be to read the sticky post in this forum

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