Shell Programming for UNIX/Linux is finally over thank god!

C/C++/Perl I hate that shit lol it's over and I learned something.

1&>2 = I dont really know if this is right lol
1>&2 = Something is redirecting something lol

Yeap! Exactly! That's what I said when I finished my class. I would've liked the class a lot better if we learned more practical things than stuff like "pointers-of-arrays-of-arrays-of-arrays-inside-hashes-through-objects." It would've been cool if we learned how to do some web programming through Perl.

Shell Programming for UNIX/Linux is finally over thank god!

C/C++/Perl I hate that shit lol it's over and I learned something.

1&>2 = I dont really know if this is right lol
1>&2 = Something is redirecting something lol

This gave me a laugh. I'm currently in a Unix class and we are doing shell scripting. It's over for me after next week. We shift to Perl then. Shell scripting has drove me nuts! I'm just glad to see someone else shares my frustration / confusion.

Actually i need a project in Linux and i have heard that the projects are made through shell scripting..
Plz help me..!!!

I want to go to school where you people all go. My college classes were pretty limited.

I'm dating myself, but my school's computer center had 2 or 3 TRS-80's ;)

Eventually, we got a real computer class and they shelled out for some Commodore 2000's -- cutting edge :)

, Mike

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