hello everybody,

Can anyone please tell how can i make C++ screen full in windows vista.

thank you

I think you mean: "How to make the console open in fullscreen-mode" ??

If yes:

HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();

Or if you mean this one:


I googled your problem. Maybe this should give you an idea.

hey thanks for ur solution but pleaase tell me that the commands that u tell me............ that i have to run in c++ directly or i have to do more coding for that..

I think you mean: "How to make the console open in fullscreen-mode" ??

If yes:

HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();


how about:

#include <windows.h>
int main()
    HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
    return 0;

and for future posts:

thanks for the reply but i m getting some errors in the program after running the program ........the error are like....
1. unable to open include file 'windows.h '
2. undefined symbol 'HWND'.
3. statement missing ;
4. function 'ShowWindow' should have a proto type.
5. undefined symbol 'SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED'.
6. undefined symbol 'hWnd'.

please help me .........thank you...

thanks for the reply but i m getting some errors in the program after running the program ........the error are like....
1. unable to open include file 'windows.h '
2. undefined symbol 'HWND'.
3. statement missing ;
4. function 'ShowWindow' should have a proto type.
5. undefined symbol 'SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED'.
6. undefined symbol 'hWnd'.

please help me .........thank you...

The first problem leads to most of the rest. HWND is defined in windows.h, ShowWindow, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, and hWnd are all defined in windows.h. Simply google the file name and see if you can download it, place it into your compiler's libraries folder, and all those problems will be solved. Number 3 looks like you forgot to put a semicolon after a statement.

I figure it's at about this point that the OP will decide to disclose that they're using from fossil DOS compiler like Turbo C.

And not (as they should be) some modern 32 bit-compiler which is actually compatible with the OS they're using.

thanks for ur reply.....i tried to find filles on google but could not get them.....would u please give me the link from where i can download it.......

What compiler and OS are you using? If you're using dos or Turbo C++, you should upgrade to windows and (for example) visual studio C++ (free), or this code won't work..

Just download Dev-Cpp from bloodshed.net... it has everything you should need (including windows.h) and its free

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