I've created a software using vb6 and mysql as the database. The exe runs ok but whenever I try to open a report, I get the error "ActiveX component can't create object". Can anyone shed some light on this problem? I'm using crystal report 11. The reports will run on the machine I used during developmet, which has crystal report 11 installed but when I run the exe on a different computer that doesn't have crystal report 11, I get the error.

please install crystal reports on the dependent machine as well or ensure that you have the required dll and ocx in your folder and register them accordingly using regsvr32.exe

Use the Package and Deployment wizard to create the Setup Package from the source system where u have developed this project.
This addin is a part of Microsoft Visual Basic.

1. Open ur project
2. Select Add-Ins -> Add-In Manager... option
3. Select the Package & Deployment Wizard
4. Put a check for Loaded/Unloaded and Load on Startup check boxes.
5. Click Ok.

Now u can find the Package & Deployment Wizard menu option in the Add-Ins menu. Click it and follow the instructions. This wizard will automatically identify all the required object, components and dlls for the project. except for user created files like ur database files, icon files etc. which if u want can manually add them in, i beleive 4/5 step of the wizard

Once the setup package folder is created, copy it to CD or pendrive and perform the setup process in the target computer. Now u can run the app on the newly installed computer

Hope this helps u. Try it and if any problems get back to us.

Shaik Akthar

I had added some dlls that were missing and the error messgae changed to "Invalid TLV record". I was stumped on this error for a while but read some stuff about merge modules and how they work and it turned out that they solved the problem. I added them to the installation package and the reports are now opening. Thanks for all the help.

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