I've got an array BM[] with a length of 5. How would I declare my function in the heading and what am I doing wrong in my code, it keep giving me errors. Also I dont know how to apply it to my program to do the sorting. Like would I write cout<<insertionSort(BM[])<<endl;

I need help, I'm kinda new to C++

insertionSort(array BM[])
    for i = 1 to length[BM]-1 do
        value = BM[i]
        j = i-1
        while (j >= 0 && BM[j] > value)
            BM[j + 1] = BM[j]
            j = j-1
        BM[j+1] = value

Try with something easy for start.

Try with something easy for start.

Well I have to do Insertion Sort or my program will run too slow; can you help me with learning how to do Insertion Sort?

Here's a good link from Narue on many sorts, including the Insertion Sort. Go about 1/3 of the way down to find the Insertion Sort segment. It's an efficient sort on data that's mostly sorted already, but not so great for random lists. Narue explains on the link. An array of length 5 is pretty small, so any sort will work well on it.


This code:

insertionSort(array BM[])
for i = 1 to length[BM]-1 do
value = BM[i]
j = i-1
while (j >= 0 && BM[j] > value)
BM[j + 1] = BM[j]
j = j-1
BM[j+1] = value

isn't valid C++ code. You need brackets surrounding the function implementation, you need parentheses in your for-loop declaration, and you have a do and a while, but it isn't in the form of a do-while loop. Also, what is length ? I'm not sure what language this is.

It looks like pseudocode.

You really want to translate this into C++ , write the whole program and see what you get.

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