
Does anyone know how to pass a prameter to vb.net program that will run behind an exist vb 6 program.

I have been given an instruction to write the new functionality in vb.net and integrate it with vb 6.

Many Thanks


you can call the .net exe from Vb at runtime ans pass the parameter.

But how do I do that?
I know how to call the .net exe but how do I pass the parameter.
Should i create a little ini file or something like that?

What kind of VB.NET exe and what kind of parameters you have?

You could write parameters to a some file and pass the file's name to exe with commandline. If you have only few parameters, put them to exe's commandline.

And here's how to deal with cmd-line in VB.NET:

For i = 0 To My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count - 1
Next i
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