Afsah Shafqat is the 14 year old girl who made the entire nation proud by breaking so many records in the field of IT, doing professional IT courses at a very young age. Afsah, in 10th grade, has been called the "Princess of Operation Badar."


She recently passed her sixth major international certification, becoming the world's youngest IBM Certified J2EE Developer. Now she has six international certifications.

Each time when she passed any of these certifications she created a world record but her SCJP World Record was broken by her younger sister, Afrah Shafquat who achieved this feat at the age of 11 years 5 months and 19 days.

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wow... i didnt get in to this will i was 16. This year.

Java didn't even exist when I was 14...

Hummm.....personal computers; did not exist when I was 14!

Hi everyone,
What i can't believe is that i doing something for a living that can be done by a ten grader

I feel soooooooooooooo ashamed but do not read too much into it as i remember in the early 80's there was a child prodigy that was deemed to be the next einstein (i can't remember the kid's name) but it seems that the kid is now is flipping hambugers. It's not how knowledge you have but what you do with that knowledge.

Yours Sincerely

Richard West

that is true, also people with the greatest skills also end up behind bar's shortly afterward.

Congratulations to Afsah!

Is she registered here? I'm sure we could use her help here in the forums! ;)

Yuhooo ! Afsah is from Pakistan and me too ... and interestingly I am registered with the same university as is she :). Afsah and Afrah congrats from me too.

that is true, also people with the greatest skills also end up behind bar's shortly afterward.

or in front of them, getting staggeringly drunk.
After which they may indeed end up behind bars on DUI charges :lol:

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