can anyone help me with starting this program i have no idea how to start it.

Design and implement an application that reads an integer value representing a year from the user. The purpose of the program is to determine the year is a leap year in the Gregorain calender. Produce an error message for nay input value less than 1582 the year the gregorian calender was adopted.

Did you managed yet the easy part of the homework, collecting the integer value from the user?

how far are you in your course, how many classes have you actually attended and what do you have a problem with, the basic logic behind the assignment or the coding?

Peter sure's right on this: no teacher 'll give you an assignment using GregorianCalendar and Exceptions before they teach you how to read input, either by command prompt or using JOptionPane.

how far are you in your course, how many classes have you actually attended and what do you have a problem with, the basic logic behind the assignment or the coding?

Peter sure's right on this: no teacher 'll give you an assignment using GregorianCalendar and Exceptions before they teach you how to read input, either by command prompt or using JOptionPane.

this is like my 8th class first time java coder we are on gregorian calender and if else statements i just dont no how to start

this is like my 8th class first time java coder we are on gregorian calender and if else statements i just dont no how to start

how to start? take a good look at your notes, no teacher will demand an application like that without explaining a bit about the basic principles of programming in Java ( or at least giving you an idea of where to find more information). if you're supposed to use GregorianCalendar and if-else statements, I doubt that this is the first application you're asked to write. It might be the first you write, but ...

first, you take a good look at your assignment, based on this, you decide what Objects you need, and the type they're supposed to be (since it involves GregorianCalendar, it's a dead give-away you'll have to have at least one object of that type).

make sure you have the logic behind the assignment, either think it in your head, or write it down using Nasi Schneidermann-Diagrams or PseudoCode, then, start coding it.
there's no shame in messing code up, there's only shame in not getting bad code because you're to lazy to try and write something yourself.

you want us to help you, but it's your education, you're the one supposed to know what to do and how to do it. if you want us to help you where you're stuck, the least we expect from you, is that you try for yourself

thx i solved this

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