Hi guys

I think this is simple question,now Iam frustrated coz i could not find the error.Below I mention the coding I wrote.I Highlighted the text where exception occurs.Exception is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."(Null ReferenceException)
Pls help me

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog File_Open = new OpenFileDialog();
            File_Open.Filter = "Excel Files (*.xls)|*.XLS";
            string path1 = File_Open.FileName.ToString();
            Bizz B = new Bizz(path1);
            DataSet D1 = B.show_excel();
            DataRow[] foundRows;
            foundRows = D1.Tables[0].Select("ShopCode IS NOT NULL");

            DataRow row = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < foundRows.Length; i++)
                row = B.T.NewRow();
                row["SHOP_CODE"] = get_DataValidate(foundRows[i]["ShopCode"].ToString());
                row["SHOP_NAME"] = foundRows[i]["ShopName"];

public class Bizz
        public string Path;
        public DbConnection dbconn;
        public DataTable T;

        public Bizz()
            Path = null;
            dbconn = new DbConnection();
            DataTable T = new DataTable();

        public Bizz(string path)
            Path = path;
            DataTable T = new DataTable();
            dbconn = new DbConnection();


Dont you need to set some more details about datatable before its usable?

When you've created "B" and you debug it, what does it show you?

Does your path variable has a value?
Normally you do something like this :

if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                //get your path here

I can't follow this either - I see


is in red so I assume that means that is where you get the error?

I don't see where SHOP_CODE is declared.

(and remember, I am new to C# and programming in general so don't be too harsh if I missed something obvious)

"SHOP_CODE" is a string.. it wouldnt need to be.

However, debugging it and watching what happens after B is made, and checking what you see as B is what you thought would seem very simple and should provide most of the answer

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