I'm writing a code for all the algorithm mention in cormen there are term DISK-READ and DISK-WRITE. Actually what the author want to say by using these terms.

>Actually what the author want to say by using these terms.
They want to say DISK-READ and DISK-WRITE, obviously because those terms are self-explanatory. If you want to convert that to C, consider fread and fwrite, or look into other ways of serializing your nodes.

Actually,I want to know is the term DISK-READ means reading fron the disk or something else?

>I want to know is the term DISK-READ means reading fron the disk or something else?
I'd say reading from the disk is a pretty safe assumption. :icon_rolleyes:

...we must perform the operation DISK-READ(x) to read object x into main memory before we can refer to its fields. (We assume that if x is already in main memory, then DISK-READ(x) requires no disk accesses; it is a "no-op.") Similarly, the operation DISK-WRITE(x) is used to save any changes that have been made to the fields of object x...

...then pseudocode follows... Any questions?..;)

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