Hi all

I was wondering if someone can let me know of a quick and easy way of interacting with a Javascript control on a web page.

"<a href="#p189191" name="option66" onclick="selectPollOption(66);" class="vote">Vote</a>"

That's the control I would like to activate, I was thinking I could use a regular expression to identify that control each time I load the page but then I have no idea how to actually pass a click event on that control to the browser so that it registers that I've voted.

Help would be much appreciated.

Pretty sure that #p189191 is not a valid web address.
Also, use [url=http://www.google.com]Click here for Google[/url] for hyperlinks in this forum.

Hey, yeah it's not a url as such, it's some sort of javascript option which is controlled by a hyperlink. Anyway, any ideas anyone?

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