hi... i have a small doubt in hw to check the initial charecters in text... like if the first two letters of my text is OS or TP... so based on that i should be able to select which database to select...
and one more doubt is dat suppose i want to check the status of a request then the corresponding details of that id only should open.. so do i need a multiple select statement... or is it possible to have select statement for more than one field???

please reply!

thanking in advance!

hi. you can left command

If Left(Text1.Text, 2) = "OS" Then
    rs.open"select * from table"
Elseif Left(Text1.Text, 2) = "TP" Then
    rs1.open"select * from table1"
    rs2.open"select * from table2"
end if

hi the left command worked perfect.... can you please clarify my other doubt also... that is if we can select multiple fields from a dabase and show it at the VB front end???

hi. you can left command

If Left(Text1.Text, 2) = "OS" Then
    rs.open"select * from table"
Elseif Left(Text1.Text, 2) = "TP" Then
    rs1.open"select * from table1"
    rs2.open"select * from table2"
end if

thanx a lot for the help!!!

hi. just select the field you're gonna use.

rs.open"select emp_name, emp_address from tbl_emp"

hey thankx a lot... it worked great!.....

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