ok .guys .i m sorry for my previous msg.Can anybody tell me how i can take user 's value,then divided into 8 groups and then i have to make node for that 8 values.Here is my code


struct node
	long int data;
	struct node* llink;
	struct node* rlink;

		llink = NULL;
		rlink = NULL;


struct head

	int noofdigit;
	char sign;
	struct node* left;
	struct node* right;

		noofdigit = 0;
		sign =0;
		left = NULL;
		right =NULL;


char Sign(struct head* headpointer)
	return headpointer->sign;

struct node* FirstLeft(struct head* headpointer)
	return headpointer ->left;

struct node* FirstRight(struct head* headpointer)
	return headpointer ->right;

struct node* NextLeft(struct node* nodetosearch)
		return nodetosearch ->rlink;

void InsertLeft(struct head* headnode,struct node* nodetoinsert)

	if(FirstLeft(headnode) ==NULL || FirstRight(headnode) == NULL)
		headnode ->left = nodetoinsert;
		headnode ->right = nodetoinsert;


		headnode ->left->llink = nodetoinsert;
		nodetoinsert->rlink = FirstLeft(headnode);
		headnode->left = nodetoinsert;

int over_flow(struct node* nodetochk)
	long int ovrflwdgt = 0;

	ovrflwdgt = nodetochk->data / 100000000;
	if(ovrflwdgt !=0)

			nodetochk->data = nodetochk->data - (ovrflwdgt* 100000000);
	return ovrflwdgt;


void Add(struct head* oprnd1,struct head* oprnd2,struct head* result)

	struct node* n1,*n2 , *rslt;
	long int sum,ovrflwdgt = 0;

	if(Sign(oprnd1) == Sign(oprnd2))

		n1 = FirstRight(oprnd1);
		n2 = FirstRight(oprnd2);

		while(n1!=NULL && n2!=NULL)

			sum = n1->data + n2->data + ovrflwdgt;
			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt->data = sum;
			ovrflwdgt = over_flow(rslt);
			n1 = NextLeft(n1);
			n2 = NextLeft(n2);

		while(n1 != NULL)

			sum = n1->data + ovrflwdgt;
			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt->data = sum;
			ovrflwdgt = over_flow(rslt);
			n1 = NextLeft(n1);
			n2 = NextLeft(n2);

		while(n2 != NULL)
			sum = n2->data + ovrflwdgt;
			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt ->data = sum;
			ovrflwdgt = over_flow(rslt);
			n2 = NextLeft(n2);

		if(ovrflwdgt > 0)

			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt->data = ovrflwdgt;



struct node
	long int data;
	struct node* llink;
	struct node* rlink;

		llink = NULL;
		rlink = NULL;


struct head

	int noofdigit;
	char sign;
	struct node* left;
	struct node* right;

		noofdigit = 0;
		sign =0;
		left = NULL;
		right =NULL;


char Sign(struct head* headpointer)
	return headpointer->sign;

struct node* FirstLeft(struct head* headpointer)
	return headpointer ->left;

struct node* FirstRight(struct head* headpointer)
	return headpointer ->right;

struct node* NextLeft(struct node* nodetosearch)
		return nodetosearch ->rlink;

void InsertLeft(struct head* headnode,struct node* nodetoinsert)

	if(FirstLeft(headnode) ==NULL || FirstRight(headnode) == NULL)
		headnode ->left = nodetoinsert;
		headnode ->right = nodetoinsert;


		headnode ->left->llink = nodetoinsert;
		nodetoinsert->rlink = FirstLeft(headnode);
		headnode->left = nodetoinsert;

int over_flow(struct node* nodetochk)
	long int ovrflwdgt = 0;

	ovrflwdgt = nodetochk->data / 100000000;
	if(ovrflwdgt !=0)

			nodetochk->data = nodetochk->data - (ovrflwdgt* 100000000);
	return ovrflwdgt;


void Add(struct head* oprnd1,struct head* oprnd2,struct head* result)

	struct node* n1,*n2 , *rslt;
	long int sum,ovrflwdgt = 0;

	if(Sign(oprnd1) == Sign(oprnd2))

		n1 = FirstRight(oprnd1);
		n2 = FirstRight(oprnd2);

		while(n1!=NULL && n2!=NULL)

			sum = n1->data + n2->data + ovrflwdgt;
			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt->data = sum;
			ovrflwdgt = over_flow(rslt);
			n1 = NextLeft(n1);
			n2 = NextLeft(n2);

		while(n1 != NULL)

			sum = n1->data + ovrflwdgt;
			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt->data = sum;
			ovrflwdgt = over_flow(rslt);
			n1 = NextLeft(n1);
			n2 = NextLeft(n2);

		while(n2 != NULL)
			sum = n2->data + ovrflwdgt;
			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt ->data = sum;
			ovrflwdgt = over_flow(rslt);
			n2 = NextLeft(n2);

		if(ovrflwdgt > 0)

			rslt = new struct node;
			rslt->data = ovrflwdgt;


lol...you wan't people to go through all that code and find what your having problems with? I think you should be more specific as to what the problems are, and maybe post a more relevant piece of the code.

Do you have the code pasted twice?

If it's your code, then shouldn't you know how to to add data to your nodes?
And divide by eight groups? Like eight lines of input, or eight values in a single line?

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