Can some someone help me with a code to create a new Excel workbook and send data to the workbook using java.Please help me.

Google "Andy Khan JExcel"

We use the Jakarta POI API for that here at work.

We use the Jakarta POI API for that here at work.

Also Good, though I wonder if either of them have been adapted for Office 2007 yet.

The only thing I didn't like about POI, is that the library is so big. JExcel is much smaller, and yet I haven't found anything (yet) that it can't do that POI can. Then again, the reverse is also true, I haven't found anything POI can't do that JExcel can.

I have to admit though, that I definately have not had extensive experience with both of them. There are, I am sure, things one could do that I haven't attempted, yet.

The POI project page says they are working on Excel 2007 support, but I'm not sure how far along it is.

I haven't tried JExcel, so I can't really address the differences between them.

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