Having trouble understanding the assignment please help me. Thanks so much.
the assignment is available here:
it is assignment # 5

Thank u so much.. I am very confused and lost.

alright, what part aren't you understanding?

part 1 is creating 5 arrays and setting their values somewhere within the program.

part 2 is creating another 3 arrays to store the results of your comparisons between the data.

alright, what part aren't you understanding?

part 1 is creating 5 arrays and setting their values somewhere within the program.

part 2 is creating another 3 arrays to store the results of your comparisons between the data.

part 1 is basicly just putting the data into the arrays; you can hard code this within the program if you want since the data is fixed for this question. hardcoding data could be set in the form_load sub, or you could create another sub 'setData' or something and call it from Form_Load

part 2 is taking that data and compairing it.
so, if actualSales > targetSales, commissionAmount would be (commissionPercentage / 100) * actualSales * 1.5

then you'd add commission amount with basic salary to make total salary

and since actual sales exceed target sales, you'd set targetAchieved to "EXCEEDED"

if actualSales = targetSales then commission isn't modified, just applied in a similar way to above
same as above; except targetArchived would be "MET"

if actualSales < targetSales, then they don't get a commission.
same as above, except target achieved would be "FAILED"

and finally part 3

part 3, you just put everything in a list box with columns. personally i don't see the purpose in using a list box; they're not exactly functional... but thats what you were asked to do; so i guess that's what you're going to have to do.

(this does not apply to your homework, this is just how i'd do it...)
personally, i'd just keep it simple nad use a text box; then add them through a loop anding the line with vbcrlf (could use a lable instead since that wouldn't be editable)

then you could use a function like this to force things to be the same size.

public function getFixedLength(vData as Varient, iLength as integer) as string
 getFixedLength = trim$(str$(vData))
 if len(getFixedLength < iLength then getFixedLength = getFixedLength & string$(iLength - len(getFixedLength)), " ")
end function

Thanks so much kain. I really appreciate it so much ;D..

i hope you have read this.

yeah; i didn't actually give an answer, i just explained the question... if you follow the link the wording of the question could use some work; i did list a way to do part 3, but the method isn't an acceptable sollution to the question, just the way i'd do it (if i was doing it for some other purpose than to answer a question).

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