Okay, so my program is very close to completion. The only problem is that the program leaks memory. The deleteNode, deleteManager, and destroyList are the ones to blame, or so I think. When I delete a node other than the first one it works while leaking memory. However, when I try deleting the first node and then try to display the list again, the program crashes. Perhaps my deleteNode function needs some readjustment. In any case, here is the code and the input file.


#define FLUSH while (getchar () != '\n')
#define FILE_IN "countries.txt"

// Type Definitions 

typedef char KEY_TYPE;
typedef struct {
	char *name;
	char *capital;
	long population;

typedef struct {
	KEY_TYPE key[3];
	COUNTRY list;
	} DATA;

typedef struct nodeTag {
	DATA			data;
	struct nodeTag*	link;
	} NODE;

// Prototype Declarations
char getOption	  (void);
void printMenu    (void);

int   searchList  (NODE *pList, NODE **pPre, NODE **pCur, char target[]);
NODE *insertNode  (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre,  DATA  item);
NODE *deleteNode  (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre,  NODE *pCur);
void  printList   (NODE *pList);
NODE *destroyList (NODE *pList);

NODE *buildList (void);

NODE *processListManager (NODE *pList);
void  searchManager      (NODE *pList);
NODE *insertManager	     (NODE *pList);
NODE *deleteManager      (NODE *pList);

int getData ( FILE *spIn, DATA *data );
void insertCommas ( NODE *pWalker, char *population );
void printCountry ( NODE *list, char populationInCommas[] );
int insertHandler ( DATA *data, char target[] );

int main ( void )
//  Local Definitions 
    NODE *list = NULL;

//  Statements 
    printf("\t\t LAB 8 - LINKED LISTS\n\n");

	list = buildList();
	processListManager ( list );
	list = destroyList ( list );
	printf("\n\t\tEnd of LAB 8 - LINKED LISTS"
		   "\n\t\tHave a great day!\n");

    printf( _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() ? "Memory Leak\n" : "No Leak\n");

    return 0;

}// main 

/*	==================== getOption ====================
	Gets and validates the user's option.
		Pre		: nothing
		Post	: valid option returned
char getOption	(void)
//  Local Definitions 
	char option;

//  Statements 
	printf ("\n\nPlease enter the option: ");
	scanf  ("%c", &option);
	option = toupper (option);
    while(strchr("LSIDME", option) == NULL)
        printf("\a*** Invalid option! ***\n");
        printf("Enter one of the following letters: L, S, I, D, M, E: " );
        scanf  ("%c", &option);
	    option = toupper (option);

	return option;

} // getOption 

/* ============================== printMenu ==============================
	Prints the menu to the screen.
	   PRE  : nothing
	   POST : menu printed
void printMenu (void)
//  Local Definitions 

//  Statements 
           "\n\t\t*                    *"
	       "\n\t\t*   L - List         *"
           "\n\t\t*   S - Search       *"
	       "\n\t\t*   I - Insert       *"
	       "\n\t\t*   D - Delete       *"
	       "\n\t\t*   M - Print Menu   *"
	       "\n\t\t*   E - Exit         *"
	       "\n\t\t*                    *"


} // printMenu 

/* ============================== processListManager ====================
	Process user's option by calling appropriate functions.
	   PRE  : pList - a pointer to the first node of a linked list
	   POST : pList - might be changed after inserting or deleting 

NODE *processListManager (NODE *pList)
//  Local Definitions
	char option;

//  Statements
		option = getOption();
		    case 'L' : printList (pList);
		    case 'S' : searchManager (pList);
		    case 'I' : pList = insertManager (pList);
		    case 'D' : pList = deleteManager (pList);
		    case 'M' : printMenu ();
		    case 'E' : printf("End of processing!\n");
           default  :  break;
	} while (option != 'E');

	return pList;

} // processListManager 

NODE *buildList (void)
// Local Declarations
	NODE *pList;
	NODE *pPre;
	NODE *pCur;
	DATA data;
	FILE *spIn;
	int result;

// Statements
	if ( ! ( spIn = fopen ( FILE_IN, "r" ) ) )	{
		printf("Error opening file %s\n", FILE_IN);
	pList = NULL;
	while ( getData ( spIn, &data ) ) {
		result = searchList(pList, &pPre, &pCur, data.key);
		if ( !result )
			pList = insertNode(pList, pPre, data);
	fclose ( spIn );
	return pList;
} // buildList

int getData ( FILE *spIn, DATA *data )
// Local Declarations
	int result;

// Statements
	data->list.name = (char*)calloc(21, sizeof(char));
	data->list.capital = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
	result = fscanf ( spIn, "%2s %20[^;] %*c %15[^;] %*c %ld", 
					  data->key, data->list.name, 
					  data->list.capital, &(data->list.population) );
	if ( result == 4 )
		return 1;
	else {
		free ( data->list.name );
		free ( data->list.capital );
		return 0;
} // getData

NODE *insertNode  (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre, DATA item)
// Local Declarations
	NODE *pNew;

// Statements
	if ( ! ( pNew = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE))))
		printf("Memory is unavailable.\n"),
	pNew->data = item;
	if ( pPre == NULL ) {
		pNew->link = pList;
		pList = pNew;
	else {
		pNew->link = pPre->link;
		pPre->link = pNew;
   return pList;
} // insertNode

int searchList (NODE *pList, NODE **pPre, NODE **pCur, char target[])
// Local Declarations
	int found = 0;

// Statements
	*pPre = NULL;
	*pCur = pList;
	while (*pCur != NULL) {
		if (strcmp ( target, (*pCur)->data.key) == 0 ){
			found = 1;
		*pPre = *pCur;
		*pCur = (*pCur)->link;
   return found;
} // searchList

void printList (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
	NODE *pWalker;
// Statements	
	printf(	"== ====================\n"
			"ID NAME                \n"
			"== ====================\n");
	pWalker = pList;
	while ( pWalker ) {
		printf("%s %-20s\n",
			   pWalker->data.key, pWalker->data.list.name);
		pWalker = pWalker->link;
	printf( "=======================" );
} // printList

void insertCommas ( NODE *pWalker, char *population )
// Local Declarations
	char printString[15];
	char tempString[15];
	char insertComma[] = ",";
	int strLength;
	int checkRmdr;
	int i;
// Statements
	*printString = '\0';
	sprintf(tempString, "%ld", pWalker->data.list.population);
	strLength = strlen ( tempString );
	checkRmdr = strLength % 3;
	if ( checkRmdr > 0 ) {
		strncat ( printString, tempString, checkRmdr );
		strcat ( printString, insertComma );
	for ( i = checkRmdr; i < (int) strlen ( tempString );  ) {
		strncat ( printString, tempString + i, 3 );
		i += 3;
		strcat ( printString, insertComma );
	printString[strlen(printString) - 1] = '\0';
	strcpy (population, printString);
} // insertCommas

void searchManager (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
	NODE *pPre;
	NODE *pCur;
	char target[3];
	char populationInCommas[15];

// Statements
	printf("Please enter a key: ");
	scanf("%2s", target);
	if ( searchList ( pList, &pPre, &pCur, target ) ) {
		insertCommas(pCur, populationInCommas);
		printCountry(pCur, populationInCommas);
		printf("Country could not be found. Please try again.");
} // searchManager

void printCountry ( NODE *list, char populationInCommas[] )
// Statements
	printf(	"\n        ID: %s\n"
				"      Name: %s\n"
			    "   Capital: %s\n"
				"Population: %s\n", list->data.key, 
} // printCountry

NODE *insertManager (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
	NODE *pPre;
	NODE *pCur;
	DATA insertData;
	int position;
	char target[3];
	int counter = 1;
// Statements
	printf("Please enter a key: ");
	scanf("%2s", target);
	if ( ! ( searchList ( pList, &pPre, &pCur, target ) ) ) {
		position = insertHandler ( &insertData, target );
		switch (position) {
			case 1:	pPre = NULL;
			case 2:	pPre = pList;
					while (pPre) {
						pPre = pPre->link;
					counter /= 2;
					pPre = pList;
					while ( counter != 1 ) {
						pPre = pPre->link;
			case 3:	pPre->link = NULL;
		pList = insertNode( pList, pPre, insertData );
		printf("That country ID already exists. Please try again.");
   return pList;

int insertHandler ( DATA *data, char target[] )
// Local Declarations
	int position = 0;

// Statements
	if ( ! ( data->list.name = (char*)calloc(21, sizeof(char)))) {
		printf("Memory Unavailable.\n");
	if ( ! ( data->list.capital = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char)))) {
		printf("Memory Unavailable.\n");
	strcpy ( data->key, target );
	printf("Enter the country's name: ");
	scanf("%s", data->list.name);
	printf("Enter the country's capital: ");
	scanf("%s", data->list.capital);
	printf("Enter the country's population: ");
	scanf("%ld", &(data->list.population));
	while ( position < 1 || position > 3 ) {
		printf("Where would you like to place this new country?\n"
			   "Beginning(1), Middle(2), End(3): ");
		scanf("%d", &position);
		if ( position < 1 || position > 3 )
			printf("Incorrect option. Please try again.\n");
   return position;
} // insertHandler

NODE *deleteNode (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre, NODE *pCur)
// Statements
	if ( pPre == NULL )
		pList = pCur->link;
		pPre->link = pCur->link;
	free ( pCur );
   return pList;
} // deleteNode

NODE *deleteManager (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
	NODE *pPre = NULL;
	NODE *pCur;
	char target[3];
// Statements
	printf("Please enter a key: ");
	scanf("%2s", target);
	if ( searchList ( pList, &pPre, &pCur, target ) )
		pList = deleteNode ( pList, pPre, pCur );
		printf("Country could not be found. Please try again.");
   return pList;
} // deleteManager

NODE *destroyList (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
	NODE *pPre = NULL;
	NODE *pCur;

// Statements
	while ( pList ) {
		pCur = pList;
		free ( pCur->data.list.name );
		free ( pCur->data.list.capital );
		pList = deleteNode ( pList, pPre, pCur );
   return pList;
} // destroyList

Input file:

HU Hungary; Budapest; 10006835
MX Mexico; Mexico; 106202903
CN China; Beijing; 1306313812
NP Nepal; Kathmandu; 27676547
MU Mauritius; Port Louis; 1230602
FR France; Paris; 60656178
ES Spain; Madrid; 40341462
EG Egypt; Cairo; 77505756
TW Taiwan; Taipei; 22894384
GR Greece; Athens; 10668354
US United States; Washington, DC; 295734134
AU Australia; Canberra; 20090437
LI Liechtenstein; Vaduz; 33717
RU Russia; Moscow; 143420309
CA Canada; Ottawa; 32805041
MC Monaco; Monaco; 32409
BR Brazil; Brasilia; 186112794
IR Iran; Tehran; 68017860
FR France; Paris; 60656178
DO Dominican Republic; Santo Domingo; 8950034
FJ Figi; Suva; 893354

Part of the issue was that I didn't give processListManager a return variable in main. Fixing it to

list = processListManager(list);

so that's that. I'm still trying to see why I'm leaking though. Perhaps I'm overwriting my stack with scanf?

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