our pro asked us to do some application using C# , he said it is simple , but im not pretty good at C# , so i wrote most of the program but after all i came to a dead end , when building/running the project i get 4 errors , and i have been trying to fix it for like a week now and with no luck at all .
so i attached the project in the zip file , and also attached a document file that have the project specifications and needs
please if you can fix the errors ill appreciate it
thanks again

When i downloaded above project zip file and tried to open the project for error removing. I am unable to open the project. have you used Visual studio 2008 for above project. Because i have Visual studio 2005.
You mail me your project i will fix all the errors in your project and mail you back your project. My email address is <SNIP>


Would be easier if you had just posted the errors and so on.

First error is lazy - it says "int32" not "Int32"
The second is also lazy - you have done the equivelent of

if (test==true)

where x is just a variable

Which if you fix it, will fix the other 2 errors.

can you please explain what you are trying to do in the following lines of code:

for (int i = 0; i <= customerNumber; i++)
                dataGridView1.Columns[gvCustnumber] ;

I think i improved your first error but i dont understand what you are trying to do here!

thanks for your replies i dont even know where to start editing from!!
oh loosing concentration thats why
i am not sure what im doing , im hating C# now the project due time is coming closer and im stuck , i dont know what do do
i attached to this reply the project document and the output form picture so if you can help please do thanks alot

when you get the error, double click on it - in all the errors you showed us, it would take you to the appropriate line.

what i mean where do i insert the lines you mentioned above

if (test==true)

or if you can attach the code the worked with you with no errors ill appreciate it

in the mouse click event..

thanks for your replies i dont even know where to start editing from!!
oh loosing concentration thats why
i am not sure what im doing , im hating C# now the project due time is coming closer and im stuck , i dont know what do do
i attached to this reply the project document and the output form picture so if you can help please do thanks alot

Did you copy the code from somewhere ?

Did you copy the code from somewhere ?

LOL!! the code is too messy to have been copied!! and it doesnt have any comments either, so its genuine!! LOL!!

No hard feelings bud, I make my assignments the same way, LOL!!

i did not copy it at all , i wrote it , or tried to write somethingl , i have a feeling that it is not even close to c# , so im doomed!! , any help please!!

oh yes it genuine , and i am going to ask for a copyright and take legal actions if someone stole it hahaha , trust me im laughing and crying at the same time. im starting an auction any bids ? lol " im sure you guys are going to say , hey buddy if you gave us a million dollar to take this crap we will not take it"

So, having given you a number of pointers you've fixed it now right?

maybe ill have to wait for Christmas , maybe the angels will write the code for me and leave it near a Christmas tree somewhere on earth.

actually lizR no i didnt work , i dont know why

i mean it did not work i dont know why

pointers are not recommended, its only used if you use the unsafe key word. Thats too much of an headache, so i would recommend you avoid using it.

No not as in C pointers, pointers as in places to look silly :P

and if it didnt work

a) why didnt you say so,
b) in what way didnt it work?

i made some improvements now , but i have an error if you can take a look at it and direct me to right fix

Please post the error you're getting, as Im not in a position to download and try compiling stuff

Ok, you're going to have a couple of steps to solve this I think. (I'm a noob in programming as well so don't expect a ton)

First thing I see is your error :"Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement"

I found this:

"* CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement

This error is produced by a number of sources.
1. If you call an object that requires parentheses () after the command, you'll get this error. Ex. database.Open() not database.Open
2. Using an assignment operator as opposes to an equality operator"

from: http://www.developerfusion.com/article/5385/highperformance-net-application-development-architecture/16/

It comes from your code here:

for (int i = 0; i <= customerNumber; i++)


In which case yes. I can see why your compilers upset..

What would you expect it to do with the next column?

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