Hello there, I have already created an add in for my MS Outlook 2003 and I want to create an installer for it. When I run my code in VS 2008 it automatically installs my add in, but I want to install it to other pcs who doesn't have VS. How do I create an installer for my add in? I've been looking for tutorials but couldn't find any. I know some of you here have experience programming add ins. Hope you could give me a resource to start with or some guide on how could I work it out. Thanks!

Use Visual Studio Click Once Installer.
New project->Other Project Types->Setup and Depolyment->Setup Wizard

Yes, that is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you have a resource or tutorial for it? I found one in MSDN but I'm still having a hard time grasping it.

Just tell me to where you reached and what's the problem facing you?

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