Adding time in hh:mm

08:50 + 09:13 + 08:30 + 09:27 + 08:52 (Add across and result in hh:mm. The result should be 44:52 (hh:mm) - how do I arrive to this total?) Any codes will be much appreciated.

How do I do the follwing ?

1. I would like users to enter 0850 rather than having to type : (colon) in the middle.

2. As soon as the user enters four digits the cursor should automatically move to next column without having to press enter or tab.

I have tried and tried but failed miserably. Any help on codes would be greatly appreciated.


can you post your code here?

Ryan - I am ashamed to even post my code. It has not produced any kind of desired result. I would be grateful for any advice.
Merry Christmas.

try calculate length of text in change event and set focus to next textbox

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