hello there...

can any one reply me what is python

Ezzaral commented: This has to be the laziest question I've seen in some time. -3

Python is a high level object oriented programming language created at the beginning of the 90's bu Guido Van Rossum. Python allows for fast software development, which is the main reason of its success. The official site of the language is www.python.org.

search engine is one kind of database

google & yahoo are the example of it.

when we pass any query to it then it will search that word in

it's database & if it found it then provide us the information.

What's a search engine?

The best part is that two people didn't pick up on the sarcasm and actually replied. Makes this triple-funny

commented: *bows* +26

lol, some are just being nice..:)

I realized latter that this is maliciously asked question!
I flagged it bad post, si I hope moderators will deal with this sturbborn creature! lol:

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