
I am writting a simulation code on Random Early Detection (RED) and when i run the simulation , the average delay is too high. Does anybody have some idea on it.I really can't get along with it now withouth any help . :cry: Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have upload the coding of mine. The file name called sim12.cpp.

Hope will get reply soon... through my email - email removed by moderator

i also do that. you can send it to me, ok? modified simulation code or code!
<email snipped>

commented: Don't rez old topics. Leave them dead and buried! #_# +0

You have a rather strange code to generate exponential distribution. Use RAND_MAX macros from <stdlib.h> (it's not equal to the funny pow expression).

const double max_rand = RAND_MAX;
...   log (x/max_rand) ...

With 32-bit compilers you have huge intervals because of (usually) RAND_MAX is equal 32767 only (rand() is a very bad pseudorandom numbers generator ;))...

Alas, I have no time to inspect your code more carefully now.

> Alas, I have no time to inspect your code more carefully now.
Take your time, it was posted (and abandoned) on 8th Jan 2005

What's a nightmare!..
Thank you, Salem ;)

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