Hi men
1-I wanna ask that how an OP works.I mean you install and launch a software on an OP.But you launch an OP on what.and how is programming an OP?
2-How can i define a function that the number of its parameters is infinite.
3-The difference of programming for win and Linux and etc is about the their structure or the compilers?I mean imagine that a company builds a compiler in two versions:one for windows and another for linux.then the same program has same source code in both of them because the company is same or the source is different because the OPs are different?

2. foo(int count, ...); stdarg
3. API

What is an OP?
I infer from the rest of your question it might be an OS(Operating System)?
Am I right?
What is your native language?(Don't be affraid to tell, mine isn't english either.)

Just a mistake at that moment ddanbe and yeah my native language is farsi and i'm iranian.
and three more questions:
1-how to work work with those infinite arguments?
2-what you mean by "API"?Please explain!
3-I read in a c++ pdf that using typedef can increase portability for some data types.How?

and the fourth on:
Is there any difference in writing games for Computers and Consoles(like XBOX360 and etc)?
if yes what is it?

1) http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdarg/
2) Application Programming Interface - google it
4) Not a great deal, take XNA development for example.It uses C# the only differnce with developing windows applications to Xbox360 applications is that fact thatyou have to account for the different controller


hey men
again me with questions
1-Is it possible to declare an array with the number of elements entered by the user?
2-Is there any way to know how many elements an array has(no I don't know the answer of my last question.I mean when you define a pointer and give elements to its next addresses.) to use in a for loop for example?(please don't tell about null-terminated arrays because it has some problems.)


int *myArray;
int n;
cin >> n;
myArray = new int[n];
delete [] myArray;



If you use vectors, the first problem goes away, and you get a useful answer to the second problem.

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