Hey what I am trying to do is convert the total amount into Euros, what would the calculation be please?

The user enters the current rate of Euro

Thank you :)

you just want to type the amount in dollars, current rate of euro and calculate the euros, all without any menu or everything?
i mean

Yeah, do you divide?

foreign-exchange.rate = TOTAL.OF.foreign.currency / TOTAL.OF.your.currency
that would be it
TOTAL.DOLLAR = TOTAL.EURO / foreign-exchange.rate
you just have to make sure what is foreign-exchange rate
in case of dollars and euros, for americans, that number is less than 1

What happens when the exchange changes (like daily)?

Then you'll need to input exchange rate manually, or to use existing internet connection and use it to connect to servers that have that data...
Anyway...program cannot calculate it on its own

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