Hi to u all.
Currently I'm doing two degrees parallely (physical & IT). Due to my lack of time, i was unable to find a new idea for my final year IT project. To be honest, the quality of my project is my future because of no experience in working field. so if someone(anybody) can help me out please suggest a good, new, simple, interesting project idea. It will be a big help. I'm planning to do my project using c# and maybe asp.net if web based..
please help. don't hesitate to give a hand when someone needed the most.. thank you

Create an application that does transactions via FTP , sort of something a chain of franchises would use as an OS so that everything in the server is always updated and always the correct data >>> Thats a cool plan yeah >???

> Currently I'm doing two degrees parallely (physical & IT).
So you tried to eat an elephant in one go, and now it's stuck in your throat.
What do you want us to do about it? Do you want to swallow or cough it out?

IT is way too intensive to be time-shared with another degree, that was your first mistake. Why the tutors on both courses let you get away with it for so long is another question. Perhaps they were only interested while the money was flowing.
At least the IT tutors should have known from past experience that only truly exceptional students would be capable of pulling off IT + another degree at the same time.

> Due to my lack of time
Do you think this line will work with your boss in some future employment?

> can help me out please suggest a good, new, simple, interesting project idea
Of course, you wouldn't want anything too taxing now would you.
I suppose at the same time, you want it to appear complicated to the tutor so it'll get you a good mark for minimal effort as well.

> To be honest, the quality of my project is my future because of no experience in working field
Don't worry, you won't be.
There will be plenty of people with specialist IT degrees looking for jobs for some time, so your half-measure won't count.

commented: God, you're annoying. -1
commented: Annoying? :icon_wink: This seems like helpful advice to me. +6
commented: You sound like a miserable psychopath. Oh wait, you are! And so am I! -2
commented: N/A +6

@ Salem

Why do you drag the man down ??? I take my hat off to someone who works hard in life to get somewhere , i had to work 3 jobs to just pay for my studies when i studied back in the day ...

Not cool man !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately Salem has a number of very valid points.

If theres not enough time to think of your own project, can you really be sure to give it sufficent time to design, code and test it?

the ftp transactions is far too simple a task, Id expect that of someone around 14 years, not someone doing a degree.

the obvious answer would be to combine it so your project counts for both degrees..

@ Salem

Hey let me tell u something, just because u can't do two thing parallel that doesn't mean every one can't..
So far i have manage to continue an overall GPA of over 3.3 (If u even know such a thing) for both degrees. If u can't giv a sup, no problem. I was just seeking for a new idea (Didn't ask for a complete A to Z..)
think twice before judging others. u my friend stop wasting time on posting things like this. mind ur own business. u say what ever u want but i know the world ain't bad as u..
Sorry pal..
for others, suggest me a new ideas to implement. the rest I'll handle by my self...
thank you

commented: Childish whiner +0

well, as I said, the obvious answer is to combine your projects for both degrees, so you can dedicate in effect twice as much work and get more marks for the same effort.

Well, As I'm working in Web Dev field, I would suggest something useful which could be use in real world as a Shopping Portal, E-Commerce Site.

You could also do Social Website as Twitter or even Facebook.

For my personal interest, I would prefer to do some Web App which more interactive and Ajax such as plan/project management...

However, LizR's idea should be best for you. If you could find an idea to combine both degrees it's the best 'cos it's rare, it's hard (not many IT guy know about Physical). I can't suggest any idea 'cos I don't know much about physical.

Well, it's definitely hard to learn both Physical and IT in the same time 'cos it's not relate to each other. But I think nothing is impossible. I myself also study many different fields (all about IT though), It's difficult but it's possible.


I'm currently a junior working on a dual degree in systems administration and information systems with a concentration on web programming. I have a full time job an hour away from home, have been married 18 years (so I’m not young) with three kids. I coach my kids in sports 8-10 hours per week and am a color commentator for high school sports on a local radio station all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.

Your dual degree with a 3.3 isn't going to do you any good when you get into the workplace considering the talent that is out there already and the environment currently. What is going to do you some good is working on projects yourself that are of high quality and not "simple".

So first of all, my father used to tell me "if you don't have time to do something right the first time, how are you going to find time to do it over?"

I say all of this not to put you down but to drive home a point. I understand not having time to do things, believe me I do. So what you need to do for an idea is think of what you have a passion for, something that gets you excited to where you can stay up all night working on it and lose track of time severely. It needs to be YOUR passion, especially since your time is limited. What we think is a good project isn't going to be something your excited about.

But for my two cents worth - LizR's idea is probably the best one for you but my suggestion is for you to make a web based first person shooter video game from scratch. Hey don't even use a rules engine from another game. Start at the bottom and build a good one. (This might take you awhile but it's what I would find fun)

so far what i came up with is implementing an E-Shopping web based application where multiple users (concurrent users) are given the opportunity to select and build their own machine, make payments via visa/electron and some inventory controlling like analyzing the past data with time and inform the owner what actions should take. More like an MIS (eg:- what is the most demanding item within the past week, according to that, adjust the minimum stock limits etc..).

In my concern, i think they will focus more on the functionality than the front end.
i apologize for taking this simple, but right now i want to do something better. I respect all of ur ideas..
if there are any suggestions that i should include, post me.
thank you.
(Sorry for my bad English)

so far what i came up with is implementing an E-Shopping web based application where multiple users (concurrent users) are given the opportunity to select and build their own machine, make payments via visa/electron and some inventory controlling like analyzing the past data with time and inform the owner what actions should take. More like an MIS (eg:- what is the most demanding item within the past week, according to that, adjust the minimum stock limits etc..).

In my concern, i think they will focus more on the functionality than the front end.
i apologize for taking this simple, but right now i want to do something better. I respect all of ur ideas..
if there are any suggestions that i should include, post me.
thank you.
(Sorry for my bad English)

Look at oscommerce , I guess it is open source and you can download the code as well.

Look at oscommerce , I guess it is open source and you can download the code as well.

Hes supposed to be making something not copying or adapting something else. I wouldnt give anyone marks for doing that.

Back to the OP.. Im worried that your view is that they will concentrate on functionality rather than asthetics.. I should hope they would!!

My project proposal date has extend to 14th February so i guess i have more time to think now. the thing is what ever i submit for the proposal has to be implemented, no going back.
so submitting fantasy ideas will only put me in trouble coz the whole project should be completed within 6 months. the only thing that i can think of by combining both field is building an LMS system for physical students. even though it will more be more like a research project. finding a client becomes very difficult in such situations and the PEB is interested in client based projects.
any idea??

Well. When you say you're doing IT and physical. Do you mean as in sports/atheletics/fitness? or do you mean something else? If you mean sports, the possibilities are endless.

how many ways do we have to tell you that we can't help you in this area? Search final project ideas in daniweb and see the hundreds of exactly the same posts or search google

IS final project ideas

c# final project ideas

you ask us to come up with ideas (which we did but you ignore) and then we say well we can't help you and you do what? ask the same thing again . . .

You're going to get out of this exactly what you put into it, and it sounds like you don't want to put much into it. There is no magic bullet, no project that anyone in the IT industry is going to say "wow that's complicated" that you can do easily. So pick a generic easy task and go try to get your grade. Then when you get serious, work on a project all on your own that isn't easy, simple or small to try to help yourself

Is there a sdk for c# to connect blue tooth? in java there are a lot (eg: jsr-82) but i coudn't find a single for c# using google. can i use the c/c++ blue tooth .dll to make the connection? plannig to build a location identifier system for my project using bluetooth.
if there is an sdk for c# please atleast send me the link. or else i will have to switch to java, Apache server which i'm currently not good at.

by the way my physical degree consists physics, applied maths, pure maths & statistics..

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