Hi to all.
I'm new to all IT stuff but well intersted and I have learn a lots those past few days reading all the Forum tipsand also the Programming FAQ by Iron_Dross. I'd like to become a programmer and I learnt a lot allready but if you can tell me how you started yourself then it may help me even better the take the right decision.
I'm looking to learn c# Visual Studio.net . First by reading books and surfing on the net then may take a course.. So if you have more tips then let me know ..

Thanks .

This is the tutorial forum, not the help forum.

>So if you have more tips then let me know ..
Well, actually trying to write programs with your language of choice works wonders. I notice you didn't mention practice anywhere in that list of things to do.

MMMM not all as nice as I thought then..
I forgot to mention that I'm not english so it was not easy for me to find out the right way to do things. And less to expect a such unfriendly reply..
Well I guess I should have known what tutorial was before hand..
You are all so cleaver that maybe If I would have wrote it in an other language it would have been as easy....
Sorry and thanks anyway..

>I forgot to mention that I'm not english
I wouldn't care even if you did. I make sure that threads are topical to the forum in which they're posted.

>And less to expect a such unfriendly reply..
I was being very nice about it. When I'm unfriendly, there won't be any doubt.

>You are all so cleaver that maybe If I would have wrote it in an other language it would have been as easy....
Veiled insults are unbecoming.

>thanks anyway..
Ask a more detailed question. "I want to be a programmer, give me tips on how to do it" is far too vague to answer properly. Even if you restrict yourself to C#, there are still countless fields in which it's used. Be specific and you'll get more help.

Shame you sounds so unfriendly cos I'm sure you could be.
Anyway if my question is stupid or too vague or what ever then why do you bother? Dont even read it and leave it to other people who may not be that disrturb about it..We dont all know everything.
Then if my thread is not topical for the forum its because I make a mistake and did not understand properly how it works so that's it .. not cos I wanted to piss you off.
Thanks for your effort and I'm sure all your strong knoledge will be of a cery good help to other people.

>Then if my thread is not topical for the forum its because I make a mistake
I politely informed you of your mistake. What's your problem? If you want me to be a bitch and insult you up and down then just ask and I'll be happy to. I'm sure I can come up with something to berate you for.

>Anyway if my question is stupid or too vague or what ever then why do you bother?
Because I want to help you. If that means I need to tell you you're a dumbass or force you to ask a smart question then so be it. In the end (unless you get insulted as you seem to be doing) you get the help you need, and that's all I could hope for. Obviously you can't see that I'm trying to help, so now I won't bother, because clearly you don't want my help.

Thanks for your help Narue.

I like C# in Windows Applications, and find the flow of the code much easier to follow than that of the corresponding C++ code . Some folks say that C# is a mix of Java and C++. I think of it as Delphi in a classy C++ coat, with the added benefit of allowing the inclusion of the code for the designed form right inside the main code.

To get a taste of what the code looks like, check the very simple csharp code snippets right here on DaniWeb.

Some code and tutorials are found on:

There is a lot of help at Microsoft (.NET), google for it!

Above all, practice, practice, practice! For a nice free setup to get your C# experience going, you need to download the IDE called SharpDevelop_1.0.3.1761_Setup.exe from:

and the .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package called dotnetfx.exe from (watch any wordwrap here!):

Unless you have .Net FX 1.1 already installed, install the dotnetfx first followed by the IDE. Answer a few questions, and you are ready to code in C#. Start your projects (called Combines) and select the right application type (Win or Con). Windows Applications allow for the use of the Form Builder similar to wxDev-Cpp, Delphi or VB. There is a little tab near the bottom called Design, click on that to bring up the Form Builder. Now you can create your Window forms, buttons, fileDialogs, labels and other components with ease.

If you discover that you like C#, and you have lots of space on your hard drive, go and get Visual C# .NET 2003 from Microsoft. It sells for less than $100. The package has lots of good stuff. The IDE has interactive help and there is a nice debugger.

There is one caveat, when you hand your programs to friends, they need the .NET Framework Redistributable Package installed on their computers too! Easy to do!

Hope that will help you!

Wow, Narue - you certainly lived up to your self-description ("Expert Meanie") and your motto ("I'm here to prove you wrong"). Perhaps you have an undiagnosed personality disorder. You know, help IS available.

commented: Consider muck-raking on threads less than 3 years old -5

He is not a mean. Did you even read the conversation?

>>I forgot to mention that I'm not english
>I wouldn't care even if you did...

>>And less to expect a such unfriendly reply..
>...When I'm unfriendly, there won't be any doubt.

>>You are all so cleaver that maybe If I would have wrote it in an other language it would have been as easy....
>Veiled insults are unbecoming.

>>Then if my thread is not topical for the forum its because I make a mistake
>...What's your problem? If you want me to be a bitch and insult you up and down then just ask and I'll be happy to. I'm sure I can come up with something to berate you for.

Open your eyes, Rashakil - this guy's a head case.

The original poster is a head case. He completely irrelevantly mentioned his familiarity with English and then started complaining about straightforward replies as if he had been slighted. Perhaps he comes from some inferior culture that has a notion of "face".

>>I forgot to mention that I'm not english so it was not easy for me to find out the right way to do things.

>He completely irrelevantly mentioned his familiarity with English...

No, he's explaining his LACK of familiarity with English is the reason he submitted his post to the Tutorial forum rather than to the Help forum, which is of course anything BUT irrelevant.

>...and then started complaining about straightforward replies as if he had been slighted.

See my initial post in this thread. Narue's replies were not "straightforward" attempts to be helpful; they were attempts to slight the original poster.

>The original poster is a head case. He completely irrelevantly mentioned his familiarity with English...

Mentioning something irrelevant makes you a head case, but Narue's mystifyingly unwarranted vitriol doesn't?

>Perhaps he comes from some inferior culture that has a notion of "face".

There you have it, ladies and gentleman. A level headed, well reasoned, "relevant" defense of Narue. BTW, Rashakil, you wouldn't happen to BE Narue, would you?

Excuse me, in my previous post, where I said "see my initial post in this thread", I should have said "see my PREVIOUS post in this thread".

>Perhaps he comes from some inferior culture that has a notion of "face".

There you have it, ladies and gentleman. A level headed, well reasoned, "relevant" defense of Narue. BTW, Rashakil, you wouldn't happen to BE Narue, would you?

No, I just happen to enjoy exponentiating irrelevant conversations.

Yo dude, listen, just neglect the people who are rude, some of us actually want to help you , in fact, you can even add me if you want to, i will always try to help you ...

I think in order to become a good programmer, whether it be in C#, VB, Delphi or web development... the best place to start is Database programming - which is the core of 99% of any software available...

After that, look at FTP, Filestreams etc... The Web is the future, so creating programs that can be used on a desktop with File Transfer will be very handy ...

Other than that, i will also recommend Regularly visiting Microsoft Developers Forums

There you will find pretty much everything you need to know

And Lastly (THE MOST VALUABLE ADVICE) , just remember, we are all software developers, and even though there is a market big enough for all of us, we are all actually still rivals in competition, so if someone is rude, DON'T LET IT BOTHER YOU, get over it, you can make it...!!!!

cVz's advice is horrible.

Why ?

The best way to become a programmer is practice. Think of something you can really get your teeth into, something you could start small and grow and grow and grow, make a torrent of practice bitty apps that do small things and then encompass those classes into your core project once you've tested it.

Key things you should have I believe to be good at programming

1. Ability to break down into small steps what you want to achieve
2. Self motivation and want to learn for yourself not just get to an end goal.
3. Ability to use google
4. Willingness to admit that the code you wrote sucked and that you would be best to scrap it and start again.
5. Be prepared to start with the basics, dont be gutted when you cant make that mmorg after a couple of hours.

I taught myself all the computer languages I know. Once you have good strong basics, learning a new one isnt that hard.

Before you start with DBs and so on, get the basics of user interaction, class design, exceptions, error checking, debugging, defining your wants before you worry about connecting to remote servers, wether its still there, and how to handle locks and threads and many other aspects.

There are a lot of apps that dont use databases at all..

Why ?

Database programming? Seriously? I don't think the answer to being good at C# is to start with database programming. You need a good sense of algorithmic complexity, formally educated or informally comfortable, to be good with databases, and somebody starting off with "database programming" will end up just guessing what is a good idea based on some set of arbitrary rules and pattern matching on other examples, without understanding things deeply.

If you imagine one person starting with database programming and another starting with C# and focusing on how to translate algorithms from their brain into code, the latter will progress more quickly.

At some point, though, in the middle, adding database design to the roster is a good idea, at least because it adds some variety of experience in dealing with structures of information.

look at FTP, Filestreams etc...

"look at FTP" and "look at Filestreams" is just absurd. FTP is irrelevant and filestreams are a trivially easy piece of library.

Yo dude, listen, just neglect the people who are rude, some of us actually want to help you , in fact, you can even add me if you want to, i will always try to help you ...

I think in order to become a good programmer, whether it be in C#, VB, Delphi or web development... the best place to start is Database programming - which is the core of 99% of any software available...

After that, look at FTP, Filestreams etc... The Web is the future, so creating programs that can be used on a desktop with File Transfer will be very handy ...

Other than that, i will also recommend Regularly visiting Microsoft Developers Forums

There you will find pretty much everything you need to know

And Lastly (THE MOST VALUABLE ADVICE) , just remember, we are all software developers, and even though there is a market big enough for all of us, we are all actually still rivals in competition, so if someone is rude, DON'T LET IT BOTHER YOU, get over it, you can make it...!!!!

cVz's advice is horrible.

Come on Rashakil, you're taking all the fun out of this - you're just making it too easy to discredit your point of view. (You ARE Narue, aren't you?) Or are you actually a regular guy, and this is all just some kind of performance art?

BTW, everybody - I just discovered there's no point in addressing the issue of the original poster (Good tips on becoming a c#programmer). He made a total of exactly 4 posts just over 4 years ago, and then quit - no doubt because of the way he was treated by Narue. There are plenty of other programming forums out there, so if you're really determined to drive away many of the members of this forum, your chances of success are actually quite good.

I don't see where I'm making it easy to discredit my point of view, and if you consider that advice like on questions like these may affect how people behave for months or even years, it is reasonable to get emotionally invested in the answer.

I don't see where I'm making it easy to discredit my point of view, and if you consider that advice like on questions like these may affect how people behave for months or even years, it is reasonable to get emotionally invested in the answer.

I don't accept even the premise that it's reasonable to get so "emotionally invested" in an answer, let alone that flying off the handle is tantamount to that.

And if you don't see that you're making it easy to discredit your point of view, when you say such things as

...Perhaps he comes from some inferior culture...

you must be typing by Braille. You sound like a bigot. Where exactly are you from, Rashakil? The antebellum South? Waziristan?

And yes, hopefully this advice WILL affect someone's behavior for years to come, Amen.

guys. Keep the fighting to a dull roar and minor scratching please!

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