hello ..
can u suggest sm gud topic for the project in c# with asp.net??
most probably ne web application ??

Sorry, I can't understand what you are saying.

i m dng my 3rd engg course.i need to do a project wid front end as asp.net ,middleware as c#.
so can u suggest me sm gud n intresting topic (based on web application) ??

commented: good luck finding a job if that's the level of gibberish you could manage on your CV, oh, and check out all the other lamers asking for projects as well. -5

I still don't understand what you're saying. What do "dng" or "sm" mean?

Either way, if you want an asp.net app, go ask in the asp.net forum

i think u can create project in which user can choose language according to there convienence means you can create some web page in which you add some information & then add some button of various languages on clicking on btn the information will changes in that particular language...
you will create web page by .net & coding by c#

i hope this will help you

Create a railway ticket reservation system for your final year project assignment.

Do an elevator simulation with at least 3 elevators and 7 floors.
And learn to write some decent English.

:) thanks Ruchi... i think thats a gud 1....

if all you do is show some pages and allow a language change, I would sincerely expect you to fail. That would be an exceedingly minimal half effort

commented: Seems about right to me. +27

oh is it ? than why dnt u suggest me sm idea ?

Only if you learn to ask a question that has real words in it. And you explain your interests and what the project is for - otherwise its just an unreadable set of characters and any answer would be just as random.

commented: Well said. +27

if all you do is show some pages and allow a language change, I would sincerely expect you to fail. That would be an exceedingly minimal half effort

If the language change was one that converted that god awful shorthand msg/txt speak into useful English then that could possibly earn some credit.

Or perhaps you could write a web based spell checker?

Create a railway ticket reservation system for your final year project assignment.

.plz help me in project

plz help in my project railway reservation

Member Avatar for kiamzattu

My friends did an airline reservation ticket system as project.
If you are interested then I'll get more info from them and will let you know

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