There is a thread in here somewhere that spoke of the issue but it did not describe a fix. I am running Vista home premium 64-bit SP1. When I open a wxPython window, it runs. As soon as my mouse enters the frame, a message comes up stating "python.exe has stopped working". I think i found a fix at, but I don't quite understand what they are saying to do. Any more experienced programmers want to decipher?

This seems to be a fix in the C++ source code of wxWidget. If you want to use this fix, you must recompile wxWidget yourself. This is not normally a solution for the end user. If this link really describes your problem, you will have to wait that the fix is included in wxPython. Make sure you have the latest version.

Actually, having the latest version is the problem here. Downgrade from python 2.6 to python 2.5 and the problem should be fixed.

I will give it a shot and let you know how it works, thanks gang!

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