I'd like to read/write xls files in Delphi. I think there's a way to do this using ADO. Can anyone provide an example or head me in the right direction. Thanks.

Please use the search button as this has already been answered many times.

as far as I know, for you to be able to read an excel document using delphi, you must first change your document's data type from .Xls to .Csv and open ur document like a textfile.

Totally untrue. You can read and write to excel. As I said, search the forum, there are a number of ways and code and so on within this forum

Thank you Jonase. The CSV file approach, which is nicely supported by TStrngList, is one way. I was unable to discover how to use the Delphi components TExcelApplicatioin, TExcelWorkBook, etc.

Using the non-visual components of TXLSWorkbook turned out to be very straight forward. NativeExcel by NikaSoft seems to be well written and, more importantly, well documented with good samples.

I guess you didnt look through the rest of the excel posts then

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