
i use microsoft visual studio

i have visual basic . net program

i want publish it (make execution file)

my program include voice file


Ctr + F5 :)


I know that will run it from visual studio but he wants to publish it to run outside visual studio right?
Will that still work or will he need to click build and then publish?

Thread subject has meaning and the content has another, I just answered what I thought they need..

I guess you're right, sometimes it's like throwing darts a board to answer a thred. :)

It seems as though you are looking for the option to create program .exe which is available in VB6. So far as I am aware in order to deploy your program as a standalone application you will have to use BUILD>PUBLISH program.

When people don't have a sensible suggestion to make or don't understand the question maybe they should just keep their random thoughts to themselves. Displaying arrogance and trying to belittle people is nowhere near as clever as some around here seem to think. There has been an influx lately of 2 or 3 posters who seem to rate themselves well above the rest. Maybe they should form a private little forum of their own where they can all be superior together and leave the rest of us to fail alone..

this is a simple one, just look in the folder

in the solution folder will be a folder called bin
under bin\debug and bin\release will be the executables

When people don't have a sensible suggestion to make or don't understand the question maybe they should just keep their random thoughts to themselves. Displaying arrogance and trying to belittle people is nowhere near as clever as some around here seem to think. There has been an influx lately of 2 or 3 posters who seem to rate themselves well above the rest. Maybe they should form a private little forum of their own where they can all be superior together and leave the rest of us to fail alone..

I'm a one from you're talking about?!

did you guys try what i said?

If you have to include some additional files, I think the easiest way to "publish" is to compile and create an installation package.

Before compiling, check from the "Build\Configuration Manager"-menu that you have "Active solution configuration" set to "Release". Then build the solution, take the exe-file and possible dll-files from the bin\release folder like jbennet said. Copy files to some empty folder and throw your additional file(s) there too.

Now you can simply zip all the files to a single zip file and "distribute" that. If you want a more sophisticated installer, check out Nullsoft Installer or Inno Setup. Both are Open Source/freeware installers with plenty of scripts to start with.

I do agree that it's quite hard to answer this kind of "questions". Obviously the English was not the native language of the OP. And it's not mine either. But I try to do my best to write something that can be understood :)

yeah as the OP says "my program include voice file" its probably best to use the publish feature

yara - this is clearly the answer, can you try and mark as solved?

cant im not a mod of the Web or Software Development ones, just hardware, software and introductions.

the OP needs to do it

I put this in a wrong thread but:
I don't have Visual Studio 2008 but I have Visual Studio 2005. In 2005 if you go to New Project then Other Project Types. You should see several setup projects including Setup Wizard.
Express editions do not have this feature. You have to use ClickOnce or copy all required files to the computer that has the correct Net version.

That's right. If you do have a VS200x (or VB200x) you can use Setup Project -type. With Express Editions you have to look for other solutions to create a proper installer. I doubt that anybody uses ClickOnce(?)

I think the question has been answered and this thread can be marked as solved.

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