
I need help badly. I was able to compile the program but when i ran it, it didn't do what it is supposed to do.

The program should continue to promt for next employee's info until user enters "stop".

I am not sure what I am missing.. Any help would be very much appreciated.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class PayrollProgramPart2
	public static void main( String args[] )
		System.out.println( "Welcome to the Payroll Program!" );

		boolean stop = false; // Loop until user types "stop" as the employee name.


	Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in );

	System.out.print( "Enter Employee's Name or stop to exit program: " );
		String empName = input.nextLine(); // employee name

					if ( empName.equals("stop"))
		System.out.println( "Program Exited" );
			stop = true;

					double hourlyRate; // hourly rate
					double hoursWorked; // hours worked
					double weeklyPay; // Weekly Pay for employee

			System.out.print( "Enter hourly rate: " ); // prompt for hourly rate
			hourlyRate = input.nextDouble();

					while (hourlyRate <= 0) // prompt until positive value is entered
			System.out.print( "Hourly rate must be a positive number. " +
			"Please enter the hourly rate again: " );
			hourlyRate = input.nextDouble(); // read hourly rate again

			System.out.print( "Enter hours worked: " ); // prompt for hours worked
			hoursWorked = input.nextDouble();

					while (hoursWorked <= 0) // prompt until a positive value is entered
			System.out.print( "Hours worked must be a positive number. " +
			"Please re-enter hours worked: " ); // prompt for positive value for hours worked
			hoursWorked = input.nextDouble(); // read hours worked again

	weeklyPay = (double) hourlyRate * hoursWorked; // multiply sum

	System.out.printf( "%s%.2f\n",
   "Employee: " + empName + " Weekly Pay:", weeklyPay ); // display employee's weekly gross income in U.S. dollar


	} // end method main

} // end class PayrollPart2

Here is what you have:

boolean stop = false;
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in );
	System.out.print( "Enter Employee's Name or stop to exit program: " );
		String empName = input.nextLine(); // employee name

if ( empName.equals("stop")) {
		System.out.println( "Program Exited" );
		stop = true;
} else {
      while (hourlyRate <= 0) 
	while (hoursWorked <= 0) 

In the same way you repeat the code when the user enters a negative value:

while (hoursWorked <= 0)

You will have to repeat the entire code until the user enters stop. You already have a boolean that you set it from false to true. So use another while in which you will put the whole code I have posted it and use that boolean variable inside the while statement

Thank you...

I found what I was missing.

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