I would like to use pickle() to save the stats, progress, and location of a player in my text adventure. I know that pickle() write an object to a text file, and that file can be later recalled to load the information.
My curiosity is, would I be able to save the stats, inventory and last location of the player by pickling into one file? If so, how would I do this? I am not quite sure how to use pickle(), so if anyone has any spare source codes where they used pickle() which I could learn from it would be greatly appreciated. Also, would I have to create one object containing all of this information in order to pickle what I need?
And for refreshment, what is an object? I am going to go back through my tutorials to brush up on key terms and concepts, in the meantime. Thanks,

This might be of help

Well using pickle is quite easy in some respects. Its a great tool. Here is an example of code using it:

#This saves a copy of the class Player.
import pickle

class Player():
    def __init__(self):
        self.last_location = (0,0)

    def setLocation(self,pos):
        self.last_location = pos

    #and so on

p = Player()

f = open("pickles.txt",'w')
pk = pickle.Pickler(f)


# and this re-loads it!
import pickle

class Player():
    def __init__(self):
        self.last_location = (0,0)

    def setLocation(self,pos):
        self.last_location = pos
f = open("pickles.txt")

pk = pickle.Unpickler(f)
p = pk.load()

print p.last_location #look it gets it right!

Hope that helps you out.

Thanks, I should be able to mess around with this code to make it do what I want. I appreciate the help, all of you guys!

Here is a typical example:

# use module pickle to save/dump and load a dictionary object
# or just about any other intact object

import pickle

# create the test dictionary
before_d = {}
before_d[1]="Name 1"
before_d[2]="Name 2"
before_d[3]="Name 3"

# pickle dump the dictionary
fout = open("dict1.dat", "w")
pickle.dump(before_d, fout)

# pickle load the dictionary
fin = open("dict1.dat", "r")
after_d = pickle.load(fin)

print before_d  # {1: 'Name 1', 2: 'Name 2', 3: 'Name 3'}
print after_d   # {1: 'Name 1', 2: 'Name 2', 3: 'Name 3'}

You could create a player dictionary like
player_name : [stats, inventory, position]
for instance
'thor' : [[80, 50], ['gun', 'gold'], [20, 120]]

Thank you Ene Uran, as always, you have been a great help!

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