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K my question is so simple but i never got any clue from anyone yet i think i've been asked about it from here too but there was no response may be people couldnt find out what i was asking or wot i was trying to ask ? But i still think it's pure simple
I've been using Microsoft Access for a long time but i wana take a step forward n wana jump into Vb 6.0 i'm not geek into programing or i should say i,m new bie.. I can make connection to microsoft access then show record in text fields or wot ever suits my need listview or combo box i knwo how to bind fields to those controls..
K i,m comming to point it's getting bore...
I'm gonna attach this to here

Ok... and the problem you are having is?

Member Avatar for abbajee

you'll get know when you'll open the attachment i wana make a vb program similar to microsoft access you could figure out if u see attachments

hi check this one, might give you an idea on how to solve your problem..attach is the vb files.. i'll paste the code also here.. let me know if it helps..

Private Sub Combo1_Click()
Dim strcombo, valstr, lstr As String
Dim i As Integer

strcombo = Combo1.Text

Select Case strcombo

Case "AM"

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount

lstr = List1.List(i)

valstr = InStr(1, lstr, "AM")

If valstr = 1 Then
 List2.AddItem lstr
End If

Next i

Case "BM"

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount

lstr = List1.List(i)

valstr = InStr(1, lstr, "BM")

If valstr = 1 Then
 List2.AddItem lstr
End If

Next i

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
List1.AddItem "AM 1"
List1.AddItem "AM 2"
List1.AddItem "AM 3"
List1.AddItem "AM 4"
List1.AddItem "AM 5"

List1.AddItem "BM 1"
List1.AddItem "BM 2"
List1.AddItem "BM 3"
List1.AddItem "BM 4"
List1.AddItem "BM 5"

Combo1.AddItem ("AM")
Combo1.AddItem ("BM")
End Sub
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