
I am using optparser to design a command line interface.How do I read multiple arguments.
For eg if I want to create a folder, I will take the arguments path and folder name something lilke the following

main.py --createFolder Tesfolder --path C://Test/Test/...

How to read these arguments? I can get optparser to work for single argument,like this

c = cfgparse.ConfigParser()
c.add_option('proxy_server', dest='proxy')
opts = c.parse()
but not with multiple args any help is appreciated
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Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:39 am


I was doing simple Binary search Program on N elements..
I got a idea to do Testing on this..
Can any one help me has i dont know abt testing..
how many test cases required for 4 elements, has the elements grow till N then how many tests required.... Pls Help me......

Pls help me.....
Pls reply 2 my mail id tokeerthi85@gmail.com


I was doing simple Binary search Program on N elements..
I got a idea to do Testing on this..
Can any one help me has i dont know abt testing..
how many test cases required for 4 elements, has the elements grow till N then how many tests required.... Pls Help me......

Maybe I am not alone, but I could not get the problem.
Please provide some simplified cases of what you want to achieve.

Please use code tags and punctuation.


I think the module you're looking for it getopt

It is designed to parse command line arguments and handles the type you indicated.


You should probably have started your own thread and not replied to this one.

You seem to be asking about testing a binary tree.
Which are you wanting?

  • help testing a binary tree algorithm
  • help calculating the number of comparisons that must be made when searching a binary tree
commented: Clears things up. +1
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