i need a online exam project on java urgently.so if anyone have this plz send me urgently.also tell how to run this.:)

Ezzaral commented: This is so lame. -4

i need a online exam project on java urgently.so if anyone have this plz send me urgently.also tell how to run this.:)

with Peter on this one, not to mention this point you seem to have missed:

tell how to run it??? if you don't know how to run a web application written in Java, how the hell are you going to convince your prof you had anything to do with writing the entire thing?

since you need it 'urgently', I would recommend you to start thinking up an idea FAST and code it. if that means you can't go to that way-to-cool-can't-miss-that party tonight or tomorrow, oooow, bummer. that just shows you that you should've started the moment you got the assignment

i need a online exam project on java urgently.so if anyone have this plz send me urgently.also tell how to run this.:)

hey noone will gonna give u d project kkkkk........
dis community is for programmars not for cheaters .
so u better take care of dis in future........

hey noone will gonna give u d project kkkkk........
dis community is for programmars not for cheaters .
so u better take care of dis in future........

I don't want to dilute the essence of your post, but it would be a good thing to drop the IM/Chat speak yourself. Also use proper English in your posts it just adds to the readibility of your post.

I don't want to dilute the essence of your post, but it would be a good thing to drop the IM/Chat speak yourself. Also use proper English in your posts it just adds to the readibility of your post.

ok sir i will take care of it in future........

Hi Friends I want online Exam project on java..
If you have pls send me to<EMAIL SNIPPED>

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