If my application server(weblogic) is running in windows and If I try to view one of the JSP file which prints a lot of html data generated in the server side, I am not facng any delay.
i.e in the JSP I have the following lines of code.

<% String output = ipAddressTable.generate();
out.println(output)); %>

ouput will actually contain hyge amount of data.

I f my server is running in Solaris machine and If itry to access that remotely in the windows IE, the out.println is taking long time.It's getting delayed for about 1 min because of the out.println().

The same data is getting rendered in a second if the server is running in Solaris.
Help me out!!!

Different processing speeds?

I mean, really, the question means about nothing.

What are the relative Processor Speeds, the relative network interface throughput, the relative hardware threading capability, the relative memory speed, the relative diskspeed, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, (I think you, maybe, get the point).

I am sorry,
In the above question in the last line, I mean The same data is getting rendered in a second if the server is running in Windows.(In Solaris it's taking lot of time about 1 minute)

Different processing speeds?

I mean, really, the question means about nothing.

What are the relative Processor Speeds, the relative network interface throughput, the relative hardware threading capability, the relative memory speed, the relative diskspeed, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, (I think you, maybe, get the point).

If different Processing speeds, creation of the Html data differ in tie.

Consider I have two machines W1 and S1

w1- Windows machine
S1- Solaris Machine.

If my server is running in W1 and I am viewing the Jsp in IE in W1 - No delay

If my server is running in S1 and I am viewing the JSP in IE in W1 - Delay of 1 min.

If you see the JSP:

After executing the below line in the JSP
<*String output = ipAddressTable.generate
(); %>

We(JSP) have the data required to
render and I feel we dont need to bother where the server is running.

If processor speeds is the answer I think that will have affect in executing the above line(That is generating the table), But I am not facing delay in generating the table.Instead I have problem with the out.println()

If you will notice, there is a lot more than just "processor speed" mentioned there.

Network is a big one. "out" is not your problem, if you even have one.

Especially since W1 for server and client means there is no network, so no network latency, or capacity limitations. Try placing your "server" and "client" on different windows machines, that have approximately the same network "distance" as there is now between your client and the Solaris server, and then see how long the "out.println" takes from the Windows server.

If you will notice, there is a lot more than just "processor speed" mentioned there.

Network is a big one. "out" is not your problem, if you even have one.

Especially since W1 for server and client means there is no network, so no network latency, or capacity limitations. Try placing your "server" and "client" on different windows machines, that have approximately the same network "distance" as there is now between your client and the Solaris server, and then see how long the "out.println" takes from the Windows server.

Thanks very much for the quick respone,

I will try the scenario suggested by you (placing your "server" and "client" on different windows machines, that have approximately the same network "distance" as there is now between your client and the Solaris server, and then see how long the "out.println" takes from the Windows server.[/)

In the Meanwhile,Do you any solution if the problem is network.In any way can I reduce this delay by changing something either on the server or client side

No, as long as the network is properly setup (and I will trust that the admins no what they are doing). The only thing that could, then, help, is to upgrade the network (possible speed range from 10MBit-half duplex to 2 (if not now 4) GBit-full duplex).

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