hi friends,
Im doing my project in C#.
Now,I want to make a very nice UI for this one..
The UI which i created now is a simple one using visual studio 2008..
Is there any other software by which i can make a very nice UI.

i think the answer to your question is no. c#'s official editor is visual studio .net

Is there any other software by which i can make a very nice UI.

Well, define "very nice." The niceness of a UI depends on the developer. How is VS 2008 stopping you from making a nice UI?

What the heck are you talking about? Jesus christ, what the heck?

He said he's using VS 2008. Can't you read?

yeah i read and said no, meaning it is the best tool for c# gui development.

Huh? I did not say that at all.

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