any one help me to connect my vb6 form value to oracle 9i database ?
How to retrieve a data from a table in oracle to visual basic form and to search on vb frm form retrieve the search value from oracle please help?
also help me to how to authenticate user name & password in vb6

perhaps this web site might help you with your connection string

if not, i am betting a google/yahoo search will return many vb examples

Good Luck

even iam searching the same my friend... i'll email you as soon as i get the coding

Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;" & "Password=" &
strpass & "; User ID=" & strlogin & ";Data Source=" & strDB & "; Persist
Security Info=True"
Con.CursorLocation = adUseClient

hope it helps u in some way

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