
i need to use fork() for the below problem

Problem statement is program would accept various 2d arrays as inputs as long as the user wishes to enter.. Every individual sum of the array is calculated and sum of each array becomes the element of a resultant array and then the output would be the sum total of resultant array.My aim is to find and compare the computation speed by implementing the problem in two ways one is the normal program in C which would take care of the above and the other using fork() (I have implemented using the normal method whose code is pasted after the example. I need to know hw it can be implemented using fork() ). Plz help!!!
Example :

number of matrices to be entered = 2
dimension of 1st matrix = 2x2 
1st matrix :  1 2 
3 4
dimension of 2nd matrix = 2x3
2nd matrix    2 1 3
1 3 5

Resultant matrix :  10 (sum of elements of 1st matrix)
15(sum of elements of 2nd matrix
sum of resultant   : 25

Code :

#include <time.h>

int  main()
int num,p,q,i,j,k,result=0,array_result = 0;
int arr[10];
int **a;
printf("Enter the number of matrices : ");
    printf("Enter the dimension of %d matrix : ",k+1);
    scanf("%d%d : n",&p,&q);
    a=(int **)malloc(p*sizeof(int *));

    a[i] = (int *)malloc(q*sizeof(int));}


        result = sum(a,p,q);
        arr[k] = result;


        array_result = array_result + arr[k];
    }       printf("Resultant Array : Sum total of each input array n");
        printf(" %dn",arr[k]);
        printf("Sum Total of Resultant Result : %dn", array_result);
        printf("Elapsed time: %u secs.n", clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

        return 0;

int sum(int **arr,int p,int q)
int res = 0,i=0,j=0;
res = res + arr[i][j];
return res;

Well, posting this in the Java forum isn't going to help you much.

oops!! i did realize that later on !! sorry!! :)

I think this can be accomplished using

int n = 0;
printf("%d", n);

But hey, that might be because it's the only C code I remember.

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