Please help me with this code! Here is the assignment.
Project Specifications:

Each part of this assignment is a piece of the next part--it builds upon itself. You should submit each part as a separate program. But, the final program is a complete program built upon all the other parts. In other words--this is a step by step walk up to the final product. But, I want to see that you took each step and did not skip to the finish.
PART I: Develop a “Fraction Class” containing two public data fields for the numerator and denominator.
1. Inside the “main.cpp” declare an array of five fraction objects. Create a function in the “main.cpp” that instantiates a Fraction Object and calls “enterFractionValue( )” prompting the user to enter values for the numerator and denominator into each cell. Remember, 0 cannot be in the denominator. Two of the fractions must be in a “non-reduced” format. For example: 3/6 instead of ½.
2. Create a “displayFraction( )” in the “main.cpp” function permitting the user to see the results. To view the results, the user must be able to select from a menu the following displays of the fractions entered:
o Show each of the fractions in floating point format.
o Display each of the fractions and give the array position of the fraction with the highest value and the lowest value from the list shown.
o Display the fractions in sorted order from smallest to largest.
o Return to the menu so the user can repeat the operations.
Submit this portion to the Digital Drop Box.
PART II: Expand the Class and reduce the size of “main.cpp”.
1. Using the same “Fraction Class”, change the two public data fields from “public” to “private”.Add two more private fields: (a) “double” to hold the fractions decimal value. (b) a “static” to hold the slash all fractions use when displaying their values.
2. In the public portion of the Class, prototype the “enterFractionValue( )” function.
3. After the values are entered, use a “private” function in the Class to “calculateDecimalValue( )” upon entry.In the public portion of the class, prototype the “displayFraction( )” function. Change the function so the fractions are displayed properly with a slash between them using the static “slash” data type included in this class.
4. Add two constructors to the class.
o The first accepts two integers for numerator and denominator.
 If a single integer is passed to the constructor, use it as the numerator and default the denominator to “1”. If no integers are passed than default the numerator to a “0” and the denominator to “1”. Anytime a “0” is attempted for the denominator, force the numerator to “0” and the denominator to “1”.
 Calculate the greatest common denominator using two functions in the “Fraction” class.
 The first function called “greatestCommonDenominator( )” finds the largest number that can divide evenly into both the numerator and denominator.
o The second function called “reduceFraction( )” reduces a fraction to its proper format. By using the greatest common denominator the fraction can be reduced by dividing both the numerator and denominator by that number.
5. Change the “main.cpp” to declare a “Fraction” object and confirm the class works correctly.
Submit this portion to the Digital Drop Box.
PART III: Add some functions that are “friends” to the Fractions Class.
1. The first “friend function” takes two “Fraction” arguments and sums them together creating a third fraction. Make sure the sum fraction is in the proper format using the “static” slash from the “Fraction” Class and the fraction is properly reduced. For example: ¼ + ¼ = ½ not 2/4.
2. The second “friend function” takes two “Fraction” arguments and compares them, returning a 1 if the fractions are equal and a 0 if they are not. Fractions are equal when their reduced values are equal. For example ½ and 3/6 should be considered equal.
3. Change the menu so the user can select to see each of the objects in the array in reduced format. When done the user must be able to return to the main menu.
Submit this portion to the Digital Drop Box.
The entire final program is completed (both Installments 1 and 2) the program will be a main.cpp that uses Fraction Class, MathProblem Class, Container Class, 2 friend functions, 3 function templates, overriden operators, and numerous other supporting functions.
Two things you might want to consider in the final form: Did I maximize my use of STLs? Can I make better use of Preprocessor Directives?

I have been struggling with this for weeks and I just can't get it right. If someone could help me to correct my code, I would be so greatful!

class Fraction
	// friend list
	friend int addFractions();	// adds two fractions together
	friend bool compareFractions();//compares two fractions 


	int num, denom;   // variable declarations
	float deciVal;
	const static char slash = '/';    

	void calculateDecimalValue();  // private member function


	int fracArray[2][5];
	Fraction(int, int);   //  
	int getNum();  // 
	int getDenom();//accessors to class' private member variables            
	void enterFractionValue();
	void displayFractionValue();
	int greatestCommonDenominator();
	void reduceFraction();

#include "fraction.h"
// member function definitions

// constructor
Fraction::Fraction(int, int)
	int num;
	int denom;
	enterFractionValue();/// gets use to input fraction
	if(denom == 0)  // checks to see if denom = 0
		num = 0; 
		denom = 1;  // forces a 1 to the denominator
	if (num == " " && denom != " " || denom == " " && num != " ")// is only one number input
		denom = 1;
	else if(num == " " && num == " ")
		num = 0;
		denom = 1;
// num member variable accessor
	return num;
// denom member variable accessor
	return denom;
// method that gets user input fractions
void Fraction::enterFractionValue(int, int)
	cout << "You are going to be asked for five fractions. \n";
	cout << "Two of them need to be non-reduced fractions, i.e. 2/4 not 1/2. \n";
	cout << "Enter a number for the numerator. \n";
	cin >> num;
	cout << "Enter a number for the denominator. \n";
	cin >> denom;
	while (denom == 0)
		cout << "The denominator cannot be 0.  Enter another number for the denominator. \n";
		cin >> denom;
	cout << num << slash << denom;
void Fraction::calculateDecimalValue(float deciVal)
	deciVal = num / denom;
	cout << "fraction in decimal form: " << deciVal << endl;
void Fraction::displayFractionValue(int, int, int, int)
	int i, input, highest, lowest;
	cout << "*************************************MENU************************************  \n";
	cout << "Enter 1 to display all fractions in decimal form. \n";
	cout << "Enter 2 to display all fractions + array position of highest and lowest value. \n";
	cout << "Enter 3 to display the fractions sorted from lowest to highest. \n";
	cout << "Enter 4 to display the fraction in reduced form. \n";
	cin >> input;
	while(input != 1 && input !=2 && input != 3 && input != 4)
		cout << "That is not a valid option.  Please choose 1, 2, 3, or 4. \n";
		cin >> input;
	case 1: 
		for (i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE;i++)
	case 2: 
		for (i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE;i++)
			cout << fractionObject;
		highest = fracArray[0];
		cout << "The highest value in the array is "<<highest << endl;

		cout << "The lowest value in the array is "<<lowest << endl;

	case 3:
		sort(fracArray, i+5);
			cout << fracArray[i] << " ";

	case 4:

      int temp, num, denom;
	  num = getNum;
	  denom = getDenom;
      while (denom != 0)
      return num;

 Fraction::reduceFraction(int, int, int, int, int)
	int num, denom;
	num = getNum();
	denom = getDenom;
	int remainder;
	int dividend;
	int divisor;

	dividend = abs(num);
	divisor = abs(denom);

	remainder = dividend % divisor;

	if (remainder == 0)
		dividend = divisor;
		divisor = remainder;

	num = num/divisor;
	denom = denom/ divisor;


int addFractions (int one, int two)

	 bool result;
	 fracArray[2] = fractionThree;
	 fracArray[3] = fractionFour;
	 if (fractionThree.num == fractionFour.num && fractionThree.denom == fractionFour.denom)
		 return true;
		 return false;

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Fraction.h"

using namespace std;
int main()             
	int num, denom;
	const int ARRAYROWS = 2;
	const int ARRAYCOLS = 5;
	int i, fracArray[ARRAYROWS][ARRAYCOLS];  // creates and array of five objects called fracArray
	Fraction fractionOne;
		fractionOne.num = fracArray[0][0];
		fractionOne.denom = fracArray[1][0];
	Fraction fractionTwo;
		fractionTwo.num = fracArray[0][1];
		fractionTwo.denom = fracArray[1][1];
	Fraction fractionThree;
		fractionThree.num = fracArray[0][2];
		fractionThree.denom = fracArray[1][2];
	Fraction fractionFour;
		fractionFour.num = fracArray[0][3];
		fractionFour.denom = fracArray[1][3];
	Fraction fractionFive;
		fractionFive.num = fracArray [0][4];
		fractionFive.denom = fracArray [1][4];
		fractionOne.enterFractionValue(num, denom);
		fractionTwo.enterFractionValue(num, denom);
		fractionThree.enterFractionValue(num, denom);
		fractionFour.enterFractionValue(num, denom);
		fractionFive.enterFractionValue(num, denom);
		for (i=0, i<ARRAYROWS; i++;)
			for (j=0; j<ARRAYCOLS; i++)
		for (i=0, i<2; i++;)
			for (j=0; j<2; i++)
		for (i=0, i<2; i++;)
			for (j=3; j<5; i++)
	return 0;

Please ask a specific question. Where is the code broken? Does it compile? If no, where/what are the errors?

Fraction::Fraction(int, int)
	int num;
	int denom;
	enterFractionValue();/// gets use to input fraction
	if(denom == 0)  // checks to see if denom = 0
		num = 0; 
		denom = 1;  // forces a 1 to the denominator
	if (num == " " && denom != " " || denom == " " && num != " ")

This part of your code, doesn't make any sense to me. Your constructor takes two integers as parameters, then you compare "denom" to 0. Then num to " " - space - string. You are comparing an integer to a string, which is a space.

char c = 'b';
c == 'x'; //compare character to another character
string mystring = "moon";
mystring == "sun"; //compare string to string

So I have no idea, how this fits in your program. Another thing when you are defining the functions (getDenom, getNum), you didn't defined the return types, you did in the class declaration though. If I am correct the compiler assumes it is an integer by default, but it is healthier to write the return type there as well.

There is another confusing thing, you declare two private int members in your class as "num", and "denom". And then you declare two local variables with the same name, in your Fraction(int,int) constructor. - Weird, but that is okay. But it doesn't do anything with those parameters at all. So why taking them, if you are not working with them? And then back to those compares. Are you comparing to your local variables, or the ones you have in your class as private members? Either way you forgot to initialize one of those...

Okay, first. I am having trouble with the constructors.
4. Add two constructors to the class.
o The first accepts two integers for numerator and denominator.
 If a single integer is passed to the constructor, use it as the numerator and default the denominator to “1”. If no integers are passed than default the numerator to a “0” and the denominator to “1”. Anytime a “0” is attempted for the denominator, force the numerator to “0” and the denominator to “1”.

if (num == " " && denom != " " || denom == " " && num != " ")// is only one number input
		denom = 1;
	else if(num == " " && num == " ")
		num = 0;
		denom = 1;

I can't think of any other way to test for no input. Can anyone help me piece this constructor together?

is there a better way to create an array of fractions in main that I can operate on (add, reduce, sort, display, etc.) with the class' member variables?

here are the build errors (all 78 of them!):

c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(28): error C2248: 'Fraction::num' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(29): error C2248: 'Fraction::denom' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(9) : see declaration of 'Fraction::denom'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(31): error C2660: 'Fraction::enterFractionValue' : function does not take 2 arguments
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(33): error C2248: 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(13) : see declaration of 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(35): error C2660: 'Fraction::enterFractionValue' : function does not take 2 arguments
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(37): error C2248: 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(13) : see declaration of 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(37): error C2511: 'void Fraction::enterFractionValue(int,int)' : overloaded member function not found in 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(39): error C2660: 'Fraction::enterFractionValue' : function does not take 2 arguments
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(41): error C2248: 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(13) : see declaration of 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(43): error C2660: 'Fraction::enterFractionValue' : function does not take 2 arguments
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(45): error C2248: 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(13) : see declaration of 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(47): error C2660: 'Fraction::enterFractionValue' : function does not take 2 arguments
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(49): error C2248: 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(13) : see declaration of 'Fraction::calculateDecimalValue'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(52): error C2511: 'void Fraction::calculateDecimalValue(float)' : overloaded member function not found in 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(53): error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(53): error C3861: 'j': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(55): error C3861: 'displayFractionValue': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(57): error C2511: 'void Fraction::displayFractionValue(int,int,int,int)' : overloaded member function not found in 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(60): error C3861: 'j': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(60): error C3861: 'j': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(68): error C3861: 'j': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(68): error C3861: 'j': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(75): error C2059: syntax error : 'return'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(76): error C2059: syntax error : '}'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(76): error C2059: syntax error : '}'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\main.cpp(76): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(126): error C2511: 'int Fraction::greatestCommonDenominator(int)' : overloaded member function not found in 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(140): error C2511: 'int Fraction::reduceFraction(int,int,int,int,int)' : overloaded member function not found in 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.h(2) : see declaration of 'Fraction'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(171): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'result'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(171): error C2501: 'result' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(171): warning C4518: 'bool ' : storage-class or type specifier(s) unexpected here; ignored
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(172): error C2065: 'fractionThree' : undeclared identifier
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(172): error C2501: 'fracArray' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(173): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(173): error C2371: 'fractionThree' : redefinition; different basic types
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(173): error C2501: 'fractionThree' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(174): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(174): error C2371: 'fractionThree' : redefinition; different basic types
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(174): error C2501: 'fractionThree' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(175): error C2065: 'fractionFour' : undeclared identifier
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(175): error C2369: 'fracArray' : redefinition; different subscripts
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(172) : see declaration of 'fracArray'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(175): error C2501: 'fracArray' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(176): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(176): error C2371: 'fractionFour' : redefinition; different basic types
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(176): error C2501: 'fractionFour' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(177): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(177): error C2371: 'fractionFour' : redefinition; different basic types
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(177): error C2501: 'fractionFour' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(178): error C2059: syntax error : 'if'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(179): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(179): error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(182): error C2059: syntax error : 'else'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(183): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(183): error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(187): error C2059: syntax error : '}'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(187): error C2059: syntax error : '}'
c:\Users\Lauren\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\FractionMachine\Fraction.cpp(187): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}'

There are a lot of

cannot access private member

That means you are trying to do

YourClass A;
cout << A.x;

but x is a private member of A. Either 1) make x public, or 2) make an accessor

class YourClass
double x;
double getX() {return x;}

The errors like "function does not accept 2 arguments" means you are calling

YourFunction(param1, param2);

But it is expecting a different number of parameters.

That should get you about half way through the list. My recommendation is to make a simpler, abstracted example of a problem you are having so we can look at ~20 lines of code and help you with concepts, rather than operating directly on your huge project.


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