I need some tips and pointers.....(a solution would be great!!ha)

A working games system is provided for you in Project.zip. This contains a Visual Studio
“solution” including all required source for cRandomPlayer, cHumanPlayer, cPlayer, cGame and
cXandO. It also includes the mainline (in BoardGames.cpp) and (to assist you) has two blank
files (HighLow.cpp & HighLow.h) where your new class should be written.
You are asked to
1. Implement the game High-Low as a derived class (cHighLow) from cGame. The game
works as follows:
2. Update cGame::selectGame(). A version is supplied but needs to be replaced with a
new version which allows the user to select which game they would like to play (much as
cPlayer::selectPlayer() selects a player).
3. Update the methods of cRandomPlayer so that cRandomPlayer can play High-Low.
You must submit
1. All altered source code files (probably just HighLow.cpp, HighLow.h, Players.cpp and
2. A screen shot similar to the one overleaf showing the game in operation. You should
ensure that the game in the screenshot is interesting (i.e. has 3 choices and at least one
of the cards is an Ace).

High-Low game:
I. A deck of 52 cards is shuffled
II. The top card is turned over
III. The player must guess if the next card is Higher, Lower or
Equal to the last card turned over.
IV. The next card is turned over
V. If the player is wrong the game is over and the player has
VI. If the player is correct then if the player has made 3
correct guesses the player has won. If not got back to
step III.

The program when implemented properly should produce output similar to the following:
1. You MUST represent the deck of cards and shuffle the deck before starting the game.
Shuffling can be achieved by swapping each card with a random other card.

you asked the same question 10 minutes apart.... this forum is for helping with programming, not doing your homework.

you asked the same question 10 minutes apart.... this forum is for helping with programming, not doing your homework.

not doing........HELPING!.......Jeez......

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