Everybody hi! Last few days i was interested in one question: Does wxWidgets working well in KDE? Windows?
I know, that i can read official wxWidgets site for posted issues, but actually i want to know your opinion about it!
I looking for good UI for my apps, and i wish to know that i don't meet major bugs if i use wxWidgets. Any opinions are welcome!

Bytheway, if moderators know much better place for this thread - please move it!

Does wxWidgets working well in KDE?

KDE means a desktop environment.

yes true there are some GTK dependencies under the KDE. But you can compile it using the wxX11 option and make it use the
underlaying X windows system instead of GTK.

configure --with-x11 --with-universal

when you configure.

NicAx64, thanks. Okay, i need just a some kind of cross-platform app, so looks like it will work using X11 but not KDE libraries?

NicAx64, thanks. Okay, i need just a some kind of cross-platform app, so looks like it will work using X11 but not KDE libraries?

No no no , I told you to compile wxWidget using the X11 option .
Then it will work under the KDE. anyway never tried that option before.

There are GDK libraries that wxWidget default using as I know.
But then how that it support for the plactforms that doesn't
have GTK , think in windows. Things are not designed like that.
This is like the adapter design partten. it will default use the GDK in
linux but you can force it to use X11.

NicAx64, ok, i got it! Thanks again. I'll try this option

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