			if(InputRecord.Key_Code == VK_RIGHT) cout<<"You pressed right. Yay!"<<endl;

FlushConsoleInputBuffer() is used to prevent input from echoing, correct? If so, that command isn't doing it's job, I still get echo, and I can't figure out why. Any suggestions?

I reposted this because it looks like my text on the other post was made too small.

>FlushConsoleInputBuffer() is used to prevent input from echoing, correct?

>I reposted this because it looks like my text on the other post was made too small.
It looked fine to me, maybe you just reposted with an annoying font size because everyone was ignoring you.

It looked fine to me, maybe you just reposted with an annoying font size because everyone was ignoring you.

Sorry. Geez. But tell me, please, how I could go about fixing my echo problem. I've read a few tutorials, and in their input loops, they use FlushConsoleInputBuffer() after an input is read to keep from echoing, but that's not working. So I don't know what to do.

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