hi. this is my first post here, my name is jen, someone in my class told me about this site and how helpful all you guys are and im so lost i thought id come try and see if someone can help me understand :(
i dont even know where to start please help :(

"Define a class Area that has two private variable members; units of type string and area_value of type float. Modify the above program to create a dynamic variable of type Area.
-Input from the keyboard the area_value and its units. Compute one-half and one-quarter of the area and display the results with unit.
-Destroy the dynamic variable at the end

-The input of the unit does not have space in it.
-The default unit is Squaremeter and default area value is 0."

here's the "above program"

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main () 
   int *p1; 
   p1 = new int;// Variables created using the new operator are called dynamic variables 
   cout << "Enter an integer \n"; 
   cin >> *p1; 
   *p1 = *p1 + 7; 
   cout << "Your input + 7 = " << *p1 << endl; 
   delete p1;// Delete the dynamic variable p1 and return the memory
   return 0; 

and heres the given class definition

class Area
 	void setu(string a);
 	void seta(float b);
 	string getu();
 	float geta();
 	string unit;
 	float area_value;

What's the problem again? You've pretty much got everything you need.

like i have no idea what to do -_-
where to even begin?

Add functions to your class declaration that will get the area and get the unit values and return those values when called.

In main() instead of declaring a variable of type int dynamically, declare a variable of type Area dynamically. Use the set() functions to set the units and area_value member values. display the results of the calculations like this:

cout << "one half the area is" << (AreaObject->geta())/2 << //display units

Where are you having problems with?
With defining the class and it's data members (read this) ? or with writing a program to solve the problem described above (look at lerner's post) ?

its just like -_-
i sorta get the syntax of code sorta
but like it all seems like gibberish i dont know what to put where i see everyones response and i can read them and im sure they make sense but to me it might as ell be in a different language and this stuff is so frustrating i was crying in the middle of class and had to leave cause i dont get this stuff and thats just more stuff i missed and just less i know how to do and i was lost enough before and i just wanna drop out but i need to pass this stupid class for my major for some ridiculous reason and just ahhh i wanna scream

i dont know what a dynamic variable is, how to make one, why youd wanna, i dont get what classes are, set functions none of this stuff..ugh sorry to rant

its just like -_-
i sorta get the syntax of code sorta
but like it all seems like gibberish i dont know what to put where i see everyones response and i can read them and im sure they make sense but to me it might as ell be in a different language and this stuff is so frustrating i was crying in the middle of class and had to leave cause i dont get this stuff and thats just more stuff i missed and just less i know how to do and i was lost enough before and i just wanna drop out but i need to pass this stupid class for my major for some ridiculous reason and just ahhh i wanna scream

i dont know what a dynamic variable is, how to make one, why youd wanna, i dont get what classes are, set functions none of this stuff..ugh sorry to rant

In that case you should read a tutorial/book about C++ first ...

You can find a tutorial about C++ here ...

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