
I have finished making an App with VB6 on a XP computer and have transferred it onto a Windows Vista computer
. I have also copied the three dependencies (Adodc, MSFlexGrid and DataGrid) files from System32 of XP to System32 of Windows Vista.

However, the program now runs but does not work completely. All AdoDC (MS Access) operations are not done. Database is shown blank in software (No Access installed on the computer). Also when I click on Reports button, the DataEnvironment is not loaded. I get Run-time error 713: Application-defined or Object-defined error.

This application works perfectly in XP.

Some help would be great. Thanks.

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Good Luck

Your ocx and dll's are not registered in the registry.
get all your dll and ocx create a batch file register.bat

inside the file register.bat


PUT ON C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 all these files.

REMEMBER: run this register.bat right click in windows explorer of VISTA and "RUN AS AN ADMINISTRATOR".

good luck!

Please keep on your mint that Vista is smart system - you are not allowed to use access database under c:\program files(x86) even if admin and NTFS set properly up. There is virtual registry + virtual directory which handle these issues for you, but this is unapproved and unwanted interference into program behavior.

Please keep on your mint that Vista is smart system - you are not allowed to use access database under c:\program files(x86) even if admin and NTFS set properly up. There is virtual registry + virtual directory which handle these issues for you, but this is unapproved and unwanted interference into program behavior.

I am running Vista and I have Visual Basic 6 programs using Access database. It works fine. I think you have to use Microsoft Access 2007 currently that's what I am using.

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